Alcohol causes death in 20 worldwide, warns World Health Organization


Alcohol accounts for more than one death in 20 worldwide, more than three-quarters of which are men, according to a new report by the World Health Organization.

In total, 3 million people die each year as a result of "harmful consumption of alcohol", according to the organization, accounting for 5.3% of all deaths. In 2016, about 2.3 million men were among men.

The data show that in almost a third of cases, deaths are the result of injuries, including traffic accidents, fights and suicides.

Of the deaths attributable to alcohol, 21% were due to digestive disorders; 19% due to cardiovascular diseases and the rest of infectious diseases, cancers, mental disorders and other health problems.

In total, alcohol is responsible for 5.1% of the total burden of disease and morbidity on the planet.

The report, published every four years, highlights the ongoing challenge of alcohol for society. WHO has described the number of deaths as "excessively high", especially in Europe and America.

Young people aged 20 to 39 are disproportionately represented, with 13.5% of all deaths in this age group attributable to alcohol.

"Too many people, their families and their communities are suffering the consequences of the harmful use of alcohol because of violence, injuries, mental health issues and diseases such as cancer and stroke. brain, "said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO.

"It is time to intensify actions to prevent this serious threat to the development of healthy societies".

However, the organization is concerned that global alcohol consumption will increase over the next decade, particularly in Southeast Asia.

The figures show that 2.3 billion people are current drinkers and that in Europe alcohol consumption rates are the highest in the world, even though their per capita consumption has decreased by more than 10 percent. % since 2010.

Despite higher consumption rates in Europe, Africa bears the heaviest burden of alcohol-related morbidity and injury.

Around the world, the average daily alcohol consumption is 33 grams of pure alcohol per day, which equates to approximately 2 glasses (each of 150 ml) of wine, to a large bottle of beer (750 ml or two of 40 ml) of spirits.

The report finds that alcohol-related disorders are more prevalent in high-income countries, but notes that "socio-economic status" is a key vulnerability factor.

"The adverse effects of a given alcohol consumption are higher for poor drinkers and their families than for richer drinkers," the report says.

The economic development of a poorer society to a richer society could in the long term mitigate alcohol-related harm, but WHO warns that the more immediate effect would be to increase alcohol consumption and harm to the consumption of alcohol. drinks increase.

The organization calls for measures such as increasing taxes and providing more support services to combat the effects of drugs, especially in the least economically developed countries.

"All countries can do much more to reduce the health and social costs of harmful use of alcohol," said Dr Vladimir Poznyak, coordinator of the WHO Addiction Management Unit.

"Proven and profitable stocks include increased taxes on alcoholic beverages, bans or restrictions on advertising for alcohol and limiting the physical availability of alcohol."

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