Alec Baldwin Says He Did not Punch 'Anyone Over A Parking Spot': Gothamist


2018_11_alec1.jpg "src =" "width =" 640 "height =" 482 "/> <br /> <i>  Alec Baldwin leaves the 6th Precinct on November 2nd, 2018 (Julie Jacobson / AP / Shutterstock)</i></div>
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<p>Hours after being arrested for an alleged street fight at Manhattan's parking space, Alec Baldwin <a href=spoke out about the incident on Twitter. "Normally, I would not like to be misregistered, but the assertion that I do not have much of a parking lot is wrong," he wrote. "I realize that it has become a sport to the people of the world."

He added, "Fortunately, no matter how reverberating the echos[[sic]it does not make statements true. "

On Friday afternoon, the actor was arrested outside his home on the 10th Street in the Greenwich Village after allegedly punching another man. According to the NYPD, the other man "got to a [parking] spot they were both going for. "

2018_11_alec3.jpg "src =" "width =" 640 "height =" 391 "/> <br /> <i>  Baldwin returns to his homepage with the media watching (Alberto Reyes / Shutterstock)</i></div>
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<p>The Daily News reports, "One of Baldwin's family members was trying to hold the spot for the thespian when [Wojciech] Cieszkowski, slipped his black Saab station wagon into the space, said sources. The two men and the victim went to the parking meter, Baldwin ran up and struck him, said authorities.</p>
<p>However, TMZ says, "Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Wojciech Cieszowski – the man who swooped in and took a parking space that Baldwin believed was his – told cops Baldwin struck him with his hand. That is more of a slap than a punch, it's more than you need to be, but it's more serious. Baldwin actually struck him. "</p>
<p>"To top it off, Baldwin and Cieszkowski received parking," according to sources, "for the Daily News.</p>
<p>Baldwin's eldest daughter, Ireland Basinger Baldwin, posted an image of the Disney character</p>
<p>Her stepmother Hilaria Baldwin liked to post.</p>
<p>Baldwin has had previous run-ins with the law: He was arrested after apparently punching a Daily News photographer in 2012; and, in 2014, was arrested after being given a ticket for bicycling in the opposite direction of street traffic.</p>
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