Alex Jones Infowars banned from Apple's App Store – TechCrunch


Another domino fell into the media empire of Alex Jones. Apple announced this week that it was removing the alleged controversial theorist / provocateur from the App Store this week, banning the Infowars application for violations of its "objectionable content" rules.

A little more specifically, the host was determined to violate the TOS around a "defamatory, discriminatory or petty content, including references or comments about religion, race, sexual orientation." , gender, ethnicity or other targeted groups, especially if the application is likely to humiliate, intimidate or place a person or a targeted group into danger ".

There has been a cascading effect with many of the major platforms Jones has used to distribute his video content. Facebook, Google and Spotify have all removed the Infowars content from their respective platforms. This week, Twitter and Periscope banned it after much criticism.

Among other controversial comments, Jones was criticized for suggesting that Sandy Hook's shooting, which resulted in the death of 20 elementary students, was a hoax.

We reached out to Apple for comment.

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