Alex Rodriguez's birthday message for Jennifer Lopez is incredibly sweet – PHOTOS


It is quite shocking to think that Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez have not been a couple since all this time, since they seem so well suited to each other. All they do is cute, but not in an overwhelming or boring way. On Tuesday, Rodriguez shared a sweet birthday for Lopez. Yes, it included amazing pictures of the pop culture icon, but the best part was its legend.

The retired New York Yankees player has shown that he had a soft side – or at least when it comes to his girlfriend. The message began: "When we were kids, birthdays were exciting because it was a matter of gifts: a new bat, dance shoes, maybe a new CD (yes, I'm old) People who read remember from the CD era

He continues: "I see first-hand how it has changed for Jennifer, and how she found the joy of sharing with others it has 365 days a year – for our children, our families, the world – I hope today, we can give you all the happiness you deserve. " Aaaww. This post is really full of warm and comforting feelings.

Some great J. Lo fans are wondering if the part on it gives "all that she has" a reference to the Lopez residence title in Las Vegas called All I have ? It could be, or maybe that they are so synchronized. Either or the other scenario would make a lot of sense. He concluded with, "I like you very much Macha 13." To drop the word "L" in public was the perfect end to already perfect birthday wishes.

Even though he would have easily won a "best boyfriend" award for this post on Instagram, it was only the first one he shared. In his second, he posted another series of photos of Lopez himself, and their children make memories together.

It makes sense to publish a second time because it had to be too difficult to reduce the selection of images for a single Instagram. They have so many good memories and she really looks impeccable almost every day. In this post, he did not go too far with the caption. He simply wrote "Birthday Girl", but two messages are better than any, no? In addition, this premiere was so accurate

Lopez also shared some pictures of his big day, and it seemed like they had a rather unobtrusive celebration. She posted the pictures with the caption, "Current birthday situation … yup". It is obvious that the 49-year-old star continues to age somehow. Not only that, but it is also clear that she has had a good time celebrating and that her boyfriend is fully integrated into her life.

Yeah, she's "still Jenny from the block" and she already has enough things in her life to be pleased with a more casual celebration at the beach, but that's J. Lo. Of course, she ended up going out.

The superstar shared several other pictures of his birthday night. She shook a glittering mini-dress, kissed her man, was affectionate with her children, incorporated her daughters into the celebration. And yes, she had her cake and she ate it too. Even J. Lo can treat his birthday as a cheat day.

The photos were great (obviously), but she shared an unusually long legend. She admitted:

"So believe it or not, I just wake up from my birthday party last night." It was a small gathering with children and a family and some close friends … the day and the night were full of laughter, tears and of course dancing … 🙂 "

Of course, she took the time to thank her enthusiastic supporters:

" I wanted to write to all, I was so thrilled and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and birthday wishes that you sent me yesterday !! I felt so moved and so blessed to have you all in my life … thanks to all who have assembled birthday collages, videos and sent greetings! What lucky girl i have to have so loyal fans and followers and so affectionate … I want you to know that I take no one for granted, I am eternally grateful to ALL! "

She concluded," I hope era that I can always continue to entertain, inspire and share everything that I learn with you in every way possible. Honestly, it 's the b The biggest birthday gift that God ever gave me !! I love you forever … Jennifer Here are some pictures of the day !!!

It really seems that Lopez and Rodriguez continue to improve, both as individuals and as a unit, they had a perfect birthday party, so what milestone will the couple celebrate? who would officially unite their families?

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