Alex Smith break the leg like Theismann


LANDOVER, MD (AP) – As much as the NFL would prefer everyone to talk about all yards and their touchdowns, and regardless of the progress made in player safety, professional football is, at its heart , a brutal sport – and what happened to Alex Smith's right leg is not much different from what happened to Joe Theismann's right leg, at exactly 33 years old.

Theismann knew it right away.

The former Washington Redskins HQ – whose career ended after being injured by Lawrence Taylor on November 18, 1985 – was at FedEx Field on Sunday and turned away so as not to have to see how the Redskins were abnormal. The tibia and fibula of QB Smith twisted as they were fractured under the weight of Texan defenders JJ Watt and Kareem Jackson.

"It was horrible," said Theismann during a phone interview. & # 39; & # 39; My heart went to him. I feel so bad for him. "

Washington's center, Chase Rouiller, had an even closer and personal perspective when Smith was sacked and gave a glimpse of the life of an NFL player.

They all know, of course, that at any moment they may be themselves on the ground, covering their faces with their hands before being chased on a cart.

"You make your prayers while this happens," said Rusty, "and you must prepare for the next play."

Jay Gruden, Redskins coach: "This is unfortunately what happens in professional football. Just hate to see them arrive with a guy like Alex. & # 39; & # 39;

Smith was obviously not the only player to be injured in this match, which ended in a 23-21 win over Houston, Houston, their seventh straight win after a start of 0-3.

Unsurprisingly, he was not the only starting quarterback injured in a sack this day: Marcus Mariota left the 38-10 loss of the Tennessee Titans against the Colts of Indianapolis with a right elbow injured.

The league likes to brag about all offensive records beaten in this age of offensive rules. Broken bones? Less so.

"We know we play a violent sport," said Colt McCoy, who replaced Smith and will make his first start since 2014 when Washington will play Dallas Cowboys on Thanksgiving Day. & # 39; & # 39; You never want that to happen. & # 39; & # 39;

In case you missed it, here are some other hot topics after the 11th Sunday of the NFL season:


Carson Wentz made three choices and zero touchdowns as the Philadelphia Eagles offense struggled again. Injuries continued to increase while their defense did nothing to slow down Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints. If the 48-7 loss to Philadelphia in New Orleans did not mark the end of the most significant game of the Eagles season, that's for sure. It was the most unequal defeat of all time for a reigning Super Bowl champion. The Eagles are 4-6, the Saints 9-1, and the procedure seemed to be a torch in the NFC. "Definitely frustrating," said Wentz. & # 39; & # 39; We just did not come, really. & # 39; & # 39;


Crows' quarterback, Lamar Jackson, made a last gasp, knelt to defeat Baltimore's 24-21 win over Cincinnati on his first professional start, then toppled the ball # 39; arbitrator. Jackson started heading to the locker room, pumped his fist – and then realized that he wanted this balloon to commemorate the day, so he sprinted to shoot down the official and was seized his memory. Jackson ran wherever he wanted this afternoon, winning 117 yards in 27 races.


For so long, an offensive line that was leaking or some sort of injury that could be attributed to that line o limited the effectiveness of Andrew Lapts quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts. Well, just look at the guy – and the guys who are paid to protect him – now. The odds have not been sacked, even once in the last five Colts games, including four wins, including Sunday against the Titans. Suddenly, the Colts are 5-5 and are running for a spot for the AFC wild card. This may not be a coincidence: Indy has recently made some good draft picks, including taking on Quenton Nelson with overall # 6 this year.

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