Alex Smith will miss the rest of the season after breaking his leg in a loss to the Texans


LANDOVER, MD – NOVEMBER 18: Washington Redskins quarterback Alex Smith was sidelined after he broke two bones in his right leg during Sunday's 23-21 loss to the Texans. (Photo by Toni L. Sandys / The Washington Post)

Redskins quarterback Alex Smith will miss the rest of the season after fracturing two bones in his right leg during the 23-21 loss to Washington against Houston on Sunday.

Smith fractured tibia and fibula bones on a bag by Texan defender Kareem Jackson in the middle of the third quarter. His distress was evident immediately; he glanced at his leg, his lower part and his ankle leaning in the wrong direction. He immediately removed his helmet and put his hands on his face before he was assisted by coaches, who saw him off the ground.

The team quickly announced that Smith was injured at the ankle and coach Jay Gruden said after the match that Smith would need surgery, confirming that he would miss the rest of the game. l & # 39; year. He left FedEx Field by ambulance; CBS reported that he had been taken to the Prince George's Hospital.

Smith led the team to a 6-3 record and came in with 2045 passing yards, 10 touchdowns and three interceptions.

"I've played with him so long, he's like a brother," said Vernon Davis, who played with Smith in San Francisco. "To see it sink into suffering is:" Why not me? ". Maybe I should suffer and let him continue to do his job and help this team win. Because I know how much he wants it. I know how hard he works. Leaving from San Francisco, going to Kansas City. He worked extremely hard. He is resilient. She is the most resistant person I have ever met. He went through so many things.

The Redskins traded a third round pick and cornerback Kendall Fuller to the Chiefs against Smith in the offseason. The organization then signed an extension of $ 94 million over four years.

"Now we are in a situation where, of course, we play for each other, but we also play for Alex," said Davis.

The injury made comparisons with the broken leg that quarterback Joe Theismann of the Redskins suffered in 1985. Theismann, at FedEx Field on Sunday, tweeted: "Alex's leg is exactly the one I had 33 years ago . "

Theismann's injury also took place on November 18 and, which is another disturbing similarity, the final score of this Monday night match against the New York Giants was also 23-21 (although the Redskins won) .

The Redskins followed 17 to 7 at the time of Smith's injury. Quarterback Colt McCoy replaced Smith and led a return effort that dropped by two points. Smith launched two interceptions against the Texans.

Teammates and officials sent an urgent signal to the medical staff after the fall of Smith. It usually takes some time to decide if the basket will be needed to transport an injured player off the field, but that was not the case Sunday for Smith.

"I know it has been very painful for him and heartbreaking for a lot of people," said coach Jay Gruden. "He's a great guy, a hard worker and one of the main leaders of this football team. Unfortunately, these things happen in professional football. You just hate to see them come to a guy like Alex.

The teammates were visibly shaken and the players emptied the bench to encourage Smith while he was sitting on the cart. Most Texans also left the bench to recognize their opponent. Smith waved to the crowd, put his hand on his heart and made a gesture of prayer in front of the stands as he rolled into the tunnel.

Running back Adrian Peterson, who suffered ACL and nape injuries this season, sympathized.

"He has to accept it for what he is and focus on this project and turn to recovery," said Peterson, a short walk from Smith when he was touched. The veteran of the run knew immediately that Smith's season would be over. "This has always been my # 1 approach to these types of injuries. It all depends on your individual reaction and the state of mind you have to tackle this type of recovery. He will have our support and our prayers go to him and his family. "

Colt McCoy is the only other quarterback in the lineup. He quickly came in and sent a nine-yard touchdown to forward Jordan Reed in the second game of the scrum. He led another scoring campaign to give Washington a brief lead of 21-20. McCoy completed 6 of 12 passes for 54 yards and one touchdown. He also ran 35 yards in five races.

"I've been in places where, if the quarterback collapsed, said goaltender Tony Bergstrom, it's like shooting, but trying to make a draft pick. But we are in a place where you could not ask someone better to be there. Colt would start in any other system.

"I do not think there is a change. Colt can do the same things.

The team should add another quarter to the lineup this week. Possibilities include Paxton Lynch and Sam Bradford, both currently without teams.

The Redskins already know Lynch, a former first-round pick from Denver (number 26 overall) in 2016. The team worked on Lynch in September.

Bradford is available after being cut by the Arizona Cardinals earlier this month. He signed a $ 20 million contract over one year in March and started three games with the organization. The team won 0-3 in these games and had 400 yards, two touchdowns, four interceptions and 62.5% of their passes. The former choice No. 1 has played for four organizations since it was drafted in 2010.

Kevin Hogan, a native of Washington DC, was one of the last cups in the 53-player roster before the season, but he is currently on contract and on the Broncos roster.

And every time a quarterback is vacant, we discuss the name of 49ers former quarterback Colin Kaepernick. He played for the last time in 2016 and many believe that Kaepernick was whitened by the league to kneel during the national anthem and voiced against police brutality and l '. racial inequality.

"It will probably be less related to training," said Gruden. "Maybe more … familiarity with either [offensive coordinator Matt] Cavanaugh or [passing game coordinator Kevin] O? Connell, maybe. We will see. We will look at the names, all talk about them and go from there. "

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