Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on climate change: "People will die"


Shortly after Friday's release of a huge federal report on climate change, an elected Congressman, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, said "people will die" if Congress takes no action. immediate measure.

A multi-level report that has just been released describes a brutal impact on health and economic costs for the United States. The report addresses global warming, natural disasters, infrastructure fracturing, depletion of agricultural resources and forest fires in California, to point to a bleak scenario for the United States by 2100.

According to a report, climate change could account for 10% of the country's gross domestic product by 2100 if no action is taken to reduce its progress.

Step into the faces of the democrats of the left-wing socialist and progressive movement, which warns severely if this does not happen. Ocasio-Cortez, a newly elected New York representative, said "people will die" if no action is taken now. Ocasio-Cortez triggered this tweet in response to the 1,656-page report.

"People will die if we do not start tackling climate change as soon as possible, it's not enough to think it's" important. "We need to make it urgent, and that's why we We need a small committee for a Green New Deal and why the fossil fuel funded officials should not write climate change policy. "

Her message on the World Wide Web comes shortly after she sent the message of wanting health care and a university for Americans and that "our climate is saved from a cataclysmic disaster".

The climate change report includes a $ 141 billion impact on heat-related deaths, $ 118 billion due to rising sea levels and $ 32 billion from damage to infrastructure by the end of the century.

Ocasio-Cortez is a self-proclaimed Socialist Democrat who has been quick on the news, especially when it comes to retaliating against the Republicans, who conferred on him his own punching bag on the left. .

This week again, Ocasio-Cortez criticized former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin for calling the neophyte Congresswoman a civic flunkie for declaring the Congress has three rooms.

"If we are working hard to make sure that we take back the three chambers of Congress – Uh, rather the three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate and the House," said Ocasio-Cortez in an interview video. "We can not start working in 2020."

Ocasio-Cortez turned his rebuttal to health care.

"Maybe instead of letting the Republicans chat every minute of my movie in slow motion, waiting to make up words that I corrected in real time, they're moving forward enough to be able to present the argument that they want to argue: they do not believe that people deserve the right to health care. "

Then, Ocasio-Cortez criticized Fox News Republican commentators, accusing them of "stalking, faking and altering" its social media videos to hit the new congressional.

"The cognitive dissonance is that Republican commentators are tracking down, trafficking and altering my occasional out-of-context data feeds … while blindly supporting a man who thinks our greatest defense against forest fires is: A rake," tweeted Ocasio-Cortez this week …

Ocasio-Cortez will not be sworn in before New Year, but she's already starting to make her own wave in Washinton.

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