Alien Landing Pads? NASA spots other strange icebergs floating in Antarctica


Alien Landing Pads? NASA spots other strange icebergs floating in Antarctica

Adapted from NASA / Jeremy Harbeck – CC BY 2.0 –

Earlier this month, NASA spotted something particularly strange as it flew over Antarctica: a perfectly formed iceberg with rectangular edges and a seemingly unnatural flat surface. The images of the tabular iceberg became viral, but it turned out that we only saw one part of it. A new image shows that there is at least one other strange iceberg nearby, with slightly less perfect edges that were just outside the frame of the original photo.

According to Jeremy Harbeck, senior scientist in charge of the IceBridge operation and responsible photographer for viral images, the real point of interest at the time the pictures were broken was not the odd iceberg but a bigger one (the size of Delaware). which broke loose from the Larsen C ice pack last summer. "I thought it was quite interesting, I often see icebergs with relatively straight edges, but I have not seen it before with two angles as straight as this one," he said. he said in a statement. "I was actually more interested in catching the A68 iceberg than we were flying over, but I thought this rectangular iceberg was visually interesting and quite photogenic, so on a lark, I just took some pictures . " The corner of the second iceberg can be seen right behind the engine of the plane.

Photo Credit: NASA / Jeremy Harbeck CC BY 2.0

The experts have already explained that the extraterrestrial platforms are of this world and quite natural, but to see two side by side is more strange than to see it by itself. It's as if Stonehenge was a finger-like rock in the middle of a field, as opposed to the highly deliberate and mysterious arrangement that currently exists in Wiltshire, England. A few years later, Nicolas Cage could draw lines between these icebergs to reveal secrets in a cosmic suite of National Treasure.

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