Alien News: A strange object spotted on the ISS causes the conspiracy of NASA FRENZY


The video shows the bizarre anomaly that was spotted during the live broadcast of NASA – which could be an alien spaceship, according to some.

The clip reveals the moment when the second camera of the space agency appeared as pixelated during the broadcast.

A few seconds later, a white object appears in the lower left corner.

"I do not think it's part of the ISS, it seems really strange," an anonymous source said.

"I do not think it's a part of the ISS, it seems really alien to me"

Anonymous source

"I do not know if the object was moving in space or if NASA had moved the camera on purpose."

The footage was uploaded to the secureteam10 YouTube channel, where it recorded more than 210,000 visits in two days.

"It's deliberately fuzzy and NASA used software to rasterize the real object," revealed one viewer.

Another added, "NASA is censoring the truth."

And a third said, "Looks like NASA has blocked the real object."

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