Aliens saved Earth from collision with Nibiru – UFO


A terrible accident and the end of the world because of the arrival of the planet, skeptics may seem to have invented "horror" only because the date of the Apocalypse has already passed. However, there is a good reason.

Пришельцы спасли Землю от столкновения с Нибиру - уфологи

Ufologists believe that the aliens saved the Earth from the collision with the planet Nibiru. The representatives of alternative science have always drawn the attention of scientists and the public to the fact that no great celestial body, having surmounted the earth's atmosphere, has reached the surface. So it was with the Tunguska meteorite in the early last century, at the time of the recent incident in the Urals. Ufologists believe that some foreign civilizations protecting the Earth and its inhabitants are a unique project created for research purposes. Before the first information on the appearance of Nibiru in the solar system above the Earth, we could see the activation of unidentified flying objects. The reports from the ISS indicate the same thing. All spoke of the fact that the extraterrestrials are preparing for a mission, gathering all its forces.

In addition, the increase in volcanic activity, which followed the Earth's gravity wave, did not turn into a disastrous chain reaction. Volcanologists show that the process was much more powerful than development. Raising the magma has not reached the critical point. This is proof for the theories of ufologists on the protection of the Earth by foreigners. One of the arguments of the independent experts is a video that captures the return of a whole group of UFOs to the skies above the Earth, who apparently participated in the operation to prevent the disaster. World government members do not want people to know the truth about the existence of strangers. According to director Neil Blomkamp, ​​that's why they bought the Hollywood movies depicting the alien invasion as a horror story.

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