All Kardashians, Kanye West said about Donald Trump


Families across the United States are divided as to their views on Donald Trump, and the Kardashian clan is no different.

Despite the president's previous conviction, Kim Kardashian West did not seem to be taken aback by the behavior of her husband Kanye West during his long protest campaign against Trump. Saturday Night Live This weekend.

"While Kanye was talking, Kim was standing at the back and watching. The children were there too, "a source told PEOPLE. "She did not look like anything, she just looked."

Here is a glimpse of all that the famous family has said about the president and the evolution of their opinions over the years.

CONVICTED: Kim Kardashian "just stayed behind and watched," Donald Trump, SNL Rant, husband of Kanye West

Kim Kardashian West

While reality TV and beauty mogul KKW have not voted for Trump, after successfully working with the president to forgive Alice Marie Johnson, the reality star has revealed that she is not Had "nothing to say about the president".

"You know, he did something extraordinary," she said at a Jimmy Kimmel Live appearance in July. "I do not agree with anything either. I did not know what to expect and I thought, "Look, I'm going to focus." It really changed my idea in this category. "

After the release of Johnson, the star of reality, 37, thanked the politician on social media.

"Thanks to @realDonaldTrump, Jared Kushner and everyone who has shown compassion and dedicated countless hours to this important moment for Alice Marie Johnson. Her switching is inspiring and gives hope to so many others who also deserve a second chance, "she tweeted.

Kim Kardashian West and Donald Trump

Kim Kardashian West and Donald Trump

Donald Trump / Twitter

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Keeping a measured tone, she also avoided trumping when she explained why he would not have his vote in 2016.

After praising Hillary Clinton's virtues, she added, "I believe both candidates intend to make the country a safer and stronger place for every American, they just have different ideas about how we are getting there.

However, the star of reality has not always summer so magnanimous.

During an interview in 2017 with Harper's Bazaar ArabiaKKW Beauty's mogul said that "everyone can better manage the United States" than the current president.

"My daughter would be better," Kardashian remarked about North, 5.

"We worked so hard to get to where we were, and having so many things that we were so proud of in our country that going back literally is the most frustrating thing. Every day when you can not really believe what's going on, the next day is even more crazy and tragic, "she said. "It's really scary, the world we live in now. And when you feel safe at home, now that Trump is in the chair, you do not feel safe anymore. "

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Kanye West

The rapper "Would not Leave", 41, closed the first season of Saturday Night Live with a third musical performance and a long speech about his support for Trump that was not aired because it happened after the program's one-hour break.

Wearing a Make America Great Again hat, West said, "It's so many times that I'm talking to a white person about it, and they tell me," How could you support Trump? He is racist. Well, if racism worried me, I would have left America a long time ago. We do not just make our decisions based on racism. I explain to you right away: if someone inspires me and I communicate with them, I do not have to believe in all their policies. "

"But this man is a builder," said West of Trump. "And when I said I was going to run in 2020, all my smart friends talked so much about me. And when I saw this man win, I said, "See, I told you. I could have been there.

In response, a member of the audience shouted, "F- Trump." West replied, "You now have a situation where we have to dialogue and not a rant, because if you want something to change, will not change by saying: "This person." Try the love. Try the love. Try the love. Try the love. "

Kanye West

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Of course, the fact that West publicly embraces Trump is not new.

In a series of pro-Trump tweets, West wrote in April: "You do not have to agree with Trump, but the crowd can not make me love. We are both dragon energy. It's my brother. I love everyone. I do not agree with all that one does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thinking.

A little later, West said that he had talked to his wife about his previous tweets and that she wanted him to explain that he did not support "everything Trump does".

"My wife just called me and she wanted me to say it clearly to everyone," he wrote. "I do not agree with everything Trump does, I do not agree 100% with anyone other than me.

At the same time, the rapper was seen wearing a MAGA hat.

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At a concert in San Jose, California in November 2016, West revealed that he had not voted in the presidential election, but he would have done it for Trump. "I loved the debates, I loved his approach," he told the crowd.

A month later, West met with the elected president of Trump Tower in New York to discuss "multicultural issues". The artist added that it was important to have direct communication with our future president if I want change.

"We have been friends for a long time," the press mogul told reporters as he posed for photos with the rapper. He added that the two met to discuss "life".

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Drew Angerer / Getty

Kris Jenner

Although Kris Jenner publicly supported Clinton's presidential campaign, she admitted Harper's Bazaar in 2016, she considers Trump's friend.

She explained, "I am not a very political person and I keep some of my opinions for myself."

Donald Trump and Kris Jenner in 2014

Donald Trump and Kris Jenner in 2014

Neil Rasmus / / REX / Shutterstock

In 2017, during an appearance on The Ellen Degeneres showJenner also explained how West and his boyfriend Corey Gamble had the chance to meet Trump before the opening.

"He went and [my boyfriend] Corey went with him and they went there because I think he had a problem he might have wanted to talk about, and I think that was all that, "she explained. . "I think he was lucky enough to be able to introduce you to an audience and talk about everything they talked about, but I think, you know, it was not a particular intention. "

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Khloe Kardashian

Khloé Kardashian appeared on The celebrity apprentice in 2009.

While talking about his experience in 2016, the co-founder of Good American said at the Los Angeles Times"I am very strong in energy and I have never really vibrated with him since the beginning."

She also commented on a Huffington Post report that Trump would have dissected on the board, saying, "What is it? We can not even catch the hot 'and call it' a fat piglet '.

"I did not think he was talking about me," she said, adding that she would still not give her a vote. "But he says those comments about a lot of women – really derogatory things. Someone who is so simplistic to judge things from the surface is not someone I want to run my country.

Khloe Kardashian with other contestants Celebrity Apprentice Brande Roderick, Joan Rivers, Tionne Watkins, Melissa Rivers and Annie Duke

Khloé Kardashian with a colleague Celebrity Apprentice Brande Roderick, Joan Rivers, Tionne Watkins, Melissa Rivers and Annie Duke

Ali Goldstein / NBC

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Earlier that year, the 34-year-old reality TV star also revealed that it was her mother who had pushed her to the series.

"I did not want to do Celebrity Apprentice,She said when she appeared on Chelsea Handler's talk show on Netflix Chelsea. "My mother did it."

"I hated every minute, put myself in situations where I would never be in real life," she said, adding that she "was getting stressed and that [Trump] and about to be fired, I'm like, F I do not want to do that. "

She continued, "I do not think it would make a good president."

Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner, a long-time Republican, has been a strong supporter of Trump, although she has publicly disagreed with him on some issues.

Before the election, during an episode of I am here, the reality star explained that even if she did not care about her "macho attitude," she thought Trump "would be fine for women's issues."

"I do not think it's there to destroy women or to take things off or do that sort of thing," continued Jenner, adding that she "would never vote, ever, for Hillary."

Defending his vote for Trump in 2017 during an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyersshe remarked, "I believe in little things like the Constitution and freedom. I believe in minimal government. I think the people of this country should help us out of the financial and economic situation, in my opinion, more than I think the government will solve this problem. People will fix that. And so, Republicans have done a better job in that direction. "

Caitlyn Jenner and. Donald Trump

Caitlyn Jenner and. Donald Trump

Jon Kopaloff / WireImage; Evan Vucci / AP / REX / Shutterstock

However, Caitlyn, who participated in the inauguration of Trump, opposed the ban on the ban on transgender people in the military.

"I believe that every American should be outraged by the lack of respect for those who wear the uniform of our country. In addition, this half-prepared idea puts all of our members at risk, "she wrote on her website in July 2017." Does President Trump intend to remove 15,000 people from each critical post they are currently assigned to? It would disrupt basic military missions around the world and unnecessarily endanger our troops. "

"The 15,000 members of the American Trans Services and 134,000 veterans are much more courageous than you, Mr. Trump; my allegiance is with them and our country, not you, "she added.

Caitlyn Jenner

The following month, she also apologized for being seen and wearing a MAGA hat, promising she would never wear it again.

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During an interview with Variety In August, Jenner said that although she has not spoken to Trump since her election, she remains "very politically involved" and is actively working to shape policies in the Trump administration.

Jenner explained that she travels regularly to Washington, DC, and has had lengthy meetings with about 50 members of the House and Senate and many members of the Trump White House.

"I think it's good that I'm on the Republican side because I had a chance," she said. "Has this administration made us retreat? Absolutely. And whenever they did, I fought it. …. I fight these types of wars. I fight against the wars of equality. I do it very discreetly. We will be fine at the end. "

She added, "What's happening in Washington, DC, is simply shameful. Hate, the media, everything that's going on there. … [Trump’s] did not do a very good job, but it's not over yet. "

Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner shaded Trump during an episode of Celebrity Family Feud.

The 22-year-old model had the whole family in stitches when she answered the question from host Steve Harvey:

"Donald Trump," said Kendall, 22, everyone, including West, burst out laughing.

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