All the polling day offers and free food to help you celebrate today


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We certainly do not think you need incentives – other than, you know, your future f * cking – vote. But this is nice to be appreciated. And this year, you will feel fully appreciated. Local businesses and national chains are eager to offer you serious offers of food and beverages on polling day.

Fun fact, it is actually illegal to give someone something in exchange for a vote. The Federal Election Commission formally forbids any reward for voting. Wild right? This may be the reason why some offers rely more on discounts than on free food, but other places have not received the memo and their secret is safe with us!

We've put together all the best deals so you can get a little more time with this I Voted sticker. We have also reviewed very good local deals (and ones that are not easy to find), but we strongly suggest you check with your favorite hangouts, these deals are of far-reaching significance. Almost everyone on earth wants you to vote today.

Be sure to check this space throughout the day as we will update this list whenever we hear about a new, interesting contract. GO NOW THERE.

State and National Offers

7 eleven – Swap a free coffee via the mobile app. A perfect fuel if you have to read at the last minute with the accessories of your city.

Amy's Ice Cream – Free small ice cream with your "I Voted" sticker. Of course, it's fall, but ice cream is always the best in Austin.

Baked by Melissa – Receive a free cupcake with your "I Voted" sticker. Use promo code IVOTED2018 to receive 10% discount on online orders this wednesday and wednesday.

Birch coffee – Get a free drip coffee on November 6th with your "I Voted" sticker.

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