All we learned from the first Captain Marvel Trailer


A hero goes up in our first stellar look Captain Marvel.
GIF: Captain Marvel (All pictures via Marvel Studios)

It's here! Captain Marvel finally landed, before leaving immediately with a fantastic first trailer. In addition to having a beautiful appearance, the trailer also gives us a first glimpse of the cosmic and terrestrial life of Carol Danvers, as well as an overview of the threats she will face. Here is what we could find.

The trailer opens with a map of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) diving into the earth from an exploding capsule. As if you needed to remember that she is a cosmically difficult woman, it's her it plunges through a roof, not the basket itself, and it seems … most well after the fact?

The camera bends to reveal that Carol laid the body first in a Video Blockbuster which, for young people among us, is an old settlement almost equivalent to Netflix, where one can exchange currency for rent copies of films. video games. Aside from sarcasm, you remember that Carol does not land on a modern post-Thanos land: Captain Marvel is in the 90s.

"War is a universal language," says a young Nick Fury (still played by Samuel L. Jackson with some digital deception), while a beleaguered Carol escapes Blockbuster and goes to a subway station. Los Angeles. He continues: "I know a renegade soldier when I see one, I never realized that one of them could come from above." If the Blockbuster does was not enough, your other indication is that Marvel's past The Fury employee is not yet aware of the idea that overpowering extraterrestrials are flying over his planet.

You will also notice that Carol wears a different color version of her color compared to what you usually see in comics (although, as we will see, this variation is also present in the film). The green color hints at the origins of Carol's cartoon powers – it symbolizes the Kree breed, a species we saw at once Guardians of the Galaxy and SHIELD Agents, and is intimately related to Carol's roots in comics.

Carol and another person (probably Fury) discover an installation that seems secret. Note: This is probably a convenience for SHIELD, which has not yet been exposed as being infested with Hydra agents at this stage of the Marvel Timeline.

While Fury's narrative continues, we have a brief overview of a major threat that will be in the film, while Fury and another SHIELD agent (whom we will meet a little later) watch a doctor perform an autopsy on a Skrull. The Skrulls are a race of alien aliens who have been fighting Kree for a long time in comics, but they are also known for the famous "Secret Invasion" event, where they have infiltrated the Earth's greatest heroes using their powers disguised. wreak havoc before an invasion.

"The Space Invasion …" begins Fury, pulling out a list of events that were likely triggered by Carol's meteoric arrival on Earth. Who would appear to imply that this ship stripped over the Earth is Kree (maybe even the Carol ship has arrived?), but the dialogue could also refer to Skrulls coming to Earth.

"Hunting a big car!" This gives the impression that Fury is chasing Carol, who is pursuing another person on the train she is boarding – an unknown Skrull, as we will see later – but we also have a brief overview of Carol's powers in action. In comics, in addition to the superhuman strength and durability you expect, Carol's powers are based on energy absorption and photonic explosions she can pull from her hands.

Fury thinks about how he almost considered leaving SHIELD before Carol shows up and we finally get to see him as he circles Carol, probably after the pursuit. Yep! This demining technology is still very good and petrifying!

Now that the two have had their cute meeting, they may realize that Carol, well, has fallen from the sky, something that women's science fiction women have done recently. Which means it's time to learn more about Captain Marvel's new origins – we know they're up-to-date for this movie, and we know in part that she's more involved in the Kree side of his powers …

As we enter a foreign world called Hala, the planet of origin of Kree. And a Carol apparently very happy to be her the house too.

"I keep having those memories," recalls Carol, "I see flashes" as we ourselves have a flash of Carol's past as a pilot of the Air Force. In comics, Carol has always had a history with the Air Force, but her driving history is largely inspired by Kelly Sue DeConnick's race. Captain Marvel in 2012, when Carol took over after decades as a hero Ms. Marvel. You should read it, because this film draws a lot of this representation of the character.

We also have the chance to see his girlfriend pilot Maria "Photon" Rambeau, played by Lashana Lynch. It's a family name (and a code name) that will make long-time fans talk – Maria has been described as a single mom in this movie, probably for Monica Rambeau, a comic book hero who has known many names over the years, including Photon … and who was actually the first female Captain Marvel, decades before Carol took over. Given the period of the film, it probably means that there will be no team Carol / Monica Captain Marvelbut once we advance to the present, who knows?

We can see even more of Carol's military training, cut with a few strokes of her childhood, while the new origin of her career is revealed: Carol has a life she can not remember because she is apparently mentally conditioned to think she is part of the Kree society.

But teased moments later, as Carol, in her pilot suit, is overthrown by an unknown assailant, her hand radiates cosmic energy. How did Carol have powers at the origin of an accident with a Kree device called the Psyche-Magnetron, merging the DNA of a Kree warrior called Mar-Vell ( more about him later too!) with his. Could there be a similar accident that led Carol to be sent to Kree for training in the film?

Train with a parallel order of falsification of the brain, apparently, while we crush Carol to test her mentally on Hala, while she tells us in the narrative that she's not sure that the memories of a life on Earth are real. Since Fury described him as a renegade soldier earlier in the caravan, maybe Carol flees Hala to try to find out what his allies are hiding from him.

Speaking of these allies! We will then see Carol flanked by two Kree warriors: left, Att-Lass (Algenis Perez Soto) and Minn-Erva (Gemma Chan). These two members are members of a comic book superhero team that Carol will be part of in the movie, Starforce. They have a long and strange story in comics, which you can learn more here!

Starforce presents some other characters from the film, including Bron-Char (Rune Temte) and the return Guardians of the Galaxy characters Ronan the accuser (Lee Pace) and Korath the Pursuer (Djimon Hounsou), but they are led by a very intriguing and mysterious commander that we see here, played by Jude Law. C & # 39; was strongly speculated since the moment Law was thrown that his character is actually Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel and whose DNA was mixed with Carol in the comics to give him his super powers. Law has danced around this speculation for the moment, and the trailer does not really give us more clues, but we know that his character is a mentor for Carol while she's on Hala, l & rsquo; Helping to adapt to his powers.

A very intriguing montage of shots showing the growing young Carol ends up with a picture of her in some kind of advanced pilot ship, while in the space … but that seems to be when she is still piloting, rather than after. So what happens if this spaceship hit diverted from earlier – which included some sort of land vessel could to be this one – it's not Carol come back to the Earth, but the beginning of the encounter that gives him his powers?

The Skrulls are well distributed on this trailer, while being very difficult to spot. It's the best shot we get from a group of them, emerging on a beach. We do not know much more, except that they will be led by a nasty Skrull named Talos, played by Ben Mendelsohn. In comics, Talos is born without the ability to change shape, which he compensated by … killing a lot of people, basically. He received the nickname "Untamed" and became one of the most feared warriors of the Skrull.

Speaking of Skrulls, we're back on the train that Carol jumped over the trailer. Remember what we said about metamorphosis? Skrulls can be transformed into anyone, so Carol is not content with rashly hitting the elderly to convince the heavily indebted baby boomers to stop complaining about millennial entertainment or whatever. She is imprudently beat a Skrull disguised as an old lady. Much better But also probably not a good look for what is probably his first appearance of public hero.

After an explosive space fire, we discover two other characters: Ronan the Accuser mentioned above is the first to be on the deck of a ship overlooking the land, probably the ship that takes off from before, confirming the origin of Kree. ?

And then there's Fury's partner SHIELD … a young Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg). Coulson is alive again! Well, he was still alive at this point in Marvel's chronology, but anyway yes, Coul's son is in Captain Marvel, and also in the early days of his career at SHIELD.

"We have no idea of ​​the threats to us … we can not do this alone," says Fury, who sends a message about his appropriate sound. Who, give or take some additions and modifications over the next two decades, is probably the same sound signal, it extracts a final message for help at the end of War of infinity, bringing Carol back to beat Mad Titan in Avengers 4.

Carol embarks on an underwater mission with the rest of the Starforce, giving us a very cool look at an addition to her costume: a cartoon battle mask design affectionately known as "faux hawk". Although this is the Kree version of his costume here, there is a chance we can see this in the red and blue version too: Samuel L. Jackson sneakily glanced at a t-shirt Crew on Social Networks Look.

Meanwhile, in Carol's past, it's absolutely when she gets her powers. Remember how we mentioned the absorption of energy was something that she can do?

And here is another beautiful picture of Carol's masked look in action: a respirator without holography this time around.

Not only is it one of the best series of cuts in the trailer, but the latest snapshot also gives us our first glimpse of Carol's trailer. But what's interesting about this shot is who Carol is fighting against They are difficult to see given the blur, but always:

It's basically a black version of Kree's armor and Carol's costume. And whoever wears is absolutely not Kree-blue. It seems that the only person we can really speculate as to who he is is the character of Jude Law. Does he light Carol when she decides to fight for her real home?

After Carol told someone off camera that she "is not what you think", with a girl barely seen in the present setting. Could it be Monica Rambeau, Maria's daughter?

The trailer concludes on this spectacular money shot: the mighty Captain Marvel, brimming with energy as she prepares herself to face someone else. You've probably seen people refer to it as Carol going "Binary" – a reference to one of Carol's past identities in comics at a time when she became a super powerful cosmic hero for a moment. When Carol absorbs enough energy, she can briefly re-unlock these vast cosmic powers and kick a serious ass, which she seems about to make a style. And a reminder, Kevin Feige of Marvel has repeatedly stated that Carol is more powerful than any other character in the MCU.

Have you noticed any other sneaky clues in the trailer? Let us know in the comments!

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