All you need to know about the flu


The 2017-2018 influenza season has been the deadliest in years, resulting in a record number of hospitalizations and several deaths. And while the influenza season may be months away, it's essential to act quickly and have information and preventative measures to protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu.

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say it is "important to pass the burden of seasonal flu to the public."

"Seasonal flu is a serious disease that causes illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths every year in the United States," according to the website.

Here's everything you need to know about the flu to get ready for the 2019-2020 flu season and deal with it once it's been detected.

What are the most common flu symptoms?

According to the CDC, the symptoms are: fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, runny or runny nose, chills, severe lethargy and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting. The site also notes that "all people with flu will not have a fever".

What is the difference between colds and flu?

The only way to check if you have the flu is to get tested, but there are subtle distinctions that can help you distinguish between flu and colds.

While both are viral diseases with overlapping symptoms that tend to occur in the same seasons, the noticeable difference is how quickly the symptoms appear. "A cold usually progresses progressively symptom by symptom more [several] days, "says Keri Peterson, MD, internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. "With the flu, the constellation of symptoms … occurs within 24 to 48 hours." Dr. Peterson adds that chest pain and muscle pain may be symptoms of the flu, but they are not typical of colds.

If you start to experience flu-like symptoms and are not sure if it's just a cold or something more serious, it's always best to see your doctor if you're concerned.

Why should you be vaccinated against the flu? Does it work?

The influenza vaccine contains an inactive dose of influenza virus, which stimulates the immune system to create antibodies to fight against the potentially deadly viral infection. Although this does not guarantee that the person does not contract the flu, it greatly reduces the risk of getting the flu and the symptoms if you contract it. As the flu virus is constantly changing, the vaccine is changed every year to try to target the most common strains. During the 2017-2018 influenza season, the vaccine was estimated to be 40% effective against influenza A and B viruses and was effective between 25 and 65% against the different strains according to the CDC.

Beyond reducing your own risk, being vaccinated also protects those around you who may be at higher risk, such as children or grandparents. Even if the vaccine does not prevent you from contracting the flu, it reduces your chances of passing it on to other people and, therefore, avoids sending more vulnerable people to the hospital. The CDC estimated that during the 2016-2017 season alone, the vaccine had prevented 5.3 million cases of influenza, 2.6 million medical visits and 85,000 influenza-related hospitalizations.

The CDC also announced that the nasal spray flu vaccine will be available again for some people this year after a two-season hiatus. Most vaccines for the next influenza season will be "quadrivalent", which means that they protect against four different strains of viruses.

Is it too early to get the flu shot? Where can you get one?

Although summer is coming to an end, the CDC recommends getting vaccinated in the next two months, at the end of October.

Although the flu season 's timing varies from year to year, it usually starts in the fall, peaks in December, January, and February and can last up to seven days. in May – and you want to be protected in advance. "We know that antibodies reach their maximum four to six weeks after receiving a vaccine, and then decline slowly over the next six months," says Ann Falsey, MD, professor of medicine at the Center's Infectious Diseases Unit. Medical University of Rochester. She recommends that her patients be vaccinated against influenza by the end of September or the beginning of October, so the winter frenzy pushes the antibodies. In addition, since the antibodies are initially given about two weeks after your vaccination, you will get some protection early in the season.

There are several options for finding a convenient place to get a flu shot. In addition to pharmacies and schools, you can also get free flu shots in your doctor's office, in emergency clinics and in many workplaces.

Can the flu vaccine cause the flu?

Dr. Denise Pate, an internal medicine physician in the Manhattan medical offices, told PEOPLE that she met several patients who were suspicious of shooting because of long-rumored reports that she was causing illness.

"They think it's going to give them the flu, it's very common," she says. "Because the virus is inactive, it absolutely can not transmit the infection."

Some may experience body pains, pain around the injection site and "may feel a little bit feverish" until one day after vaccination, but this should not be confused with the flu. "I think it's important to recognize the side effects of the injection versus the flu," she says.

"It's common for you to get the flu vaccine, you take the virus off and you're exposed to something. The answer you have is basically, you can be slightly under the weather. "

What are the different types of flu?

Different strains of flu circulate each year. Both types of viruses – influenza A and B – each have many subtypes, such as H3 or H1 viruses. According to the CDC, the H3N2 subtype of influenza A was particularly prevalent during the last influenza season.

Who is most at risk for the flu?

While everyone can get the flu, young children, patients 65 years and older, pregnant women and people with chronic health conditions are at higher risk for more serious complications if they become ill. The CDC recommends that all persons 6 months of age and older who have no specific reason do not to get vaccinated – such as a history of allergic reactions to the flu shot – do it.

How was the flu last year?

The 2017-2018 influenza season was classified by the CDC as a "season of high severity" that began to increase in November, peaked in January and February, and remained high until late March. Although adult influenza deaths are not nationally notifiable, 180 pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC during last year's influenza season, 80% of which occurred in non-reportable children. vaccinated. Hospitalizations related to influenza reached a record level, estimated by the CDC at 710,000.

How long does the flu last?

The flu usually lasts one to two weeks, although the worst symptoms disappear in the first days. According to the CDC, people with flu are the most contagious in the first three to four days after the onset of their illness. Infected people are able to transmit the virus to others until the day before symptoms develop and until 5 or 7 days later.

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Here's what you need to know if you catch the flu

What should you do if you get the flu?

If you have flu, the CDC recommends staying home or working for at least 24 hours after the fever ends. According to the CDC, most people are at maximum infectiousness within three or four days of the illness, but you may be able to infect other people from one day before to the next day. seven days after developing symptoms.

What is the best medicine for the flu?

According to the CDC, most people with flu have only mild illness and usually do not need medical care, but "sick people" can take antiviral drugs. Prescription drugs can shorten the duration of the illness and prevent serious complications.

Tamiflu, the most commonly used antiviral treatment, is recommended for treatment in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for up to two days. Last season, other antiviral treatments recommended by the CDC, approved by the FDA, included Relenza and Rapivab, and others could be suggested for this season as they would learn more about the variations in blood pressure and of resistance.

In most cases of mild illness, over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Motrin may help alleviate symptoms when they are associated with adequate rest and hydration.

How can you prevent the flu?

Being vaccinated and staying home if you are sick are two of the most important ways to reduce transmission. But the CDC says it's also important to wash your hands frequently, stay hydrated, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and wipe surfaces that have been in contact with the contagion because germs can live up to 24 hours.

Dr. Travis Stork, emergency physician, host of The doctors and a member of the PEOPLE's health team, suggests getting the vaccine and focusing on preventive measures, such as skipping handshakes and hugs. "During the cold and flu season, it's not rude!", He reassures. He also echoes the CDC's suggestions to wash hands often with soap and water and regularly disinfect phones, keyboards and doorknobs. He also advises to be more focused on getting enough sleep, staying active and eating well.

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