All you need to start the ketogenic diet


In my mind, filling your freezer, your fridge and your pantry with keto-friendly ingredients and foods is simply part of a low-inflammatory lifestyle. So, even if you never get into ketosis, simply adopting a low-inflammatory diet will promote cell health and longevity.

Before unpacking the cooking preparation for a Keto diet, it is necessary to erase some myths about the keto. Like any food trend, the "purist" or "best version" of it is often revised to fit the convention and ketone has not escaped that.

Eating large amounts of fat in the absence of vegetables opens a box of worms and is not advisable. For me, it is very possible to consume a protocol rich in fats and carbohydrates, while consuming an abundance of nutritious vegetables (on the surface), in addition to fibers and prebiotics for intestinal health. There is more to the keto diet than coffee and ghee to bulletproof. I imagine that there are a number of ways to approach keto, but for me, an approach that encompasses foods with low rates of inflammation and promotes cell health.


First of all, it may be necessary to examine the types of oils you have in the pantry. To sum up a long story, the oils that have been demonized over the past 60 years are actually the fats we should embrace and cook with our salad dressings. The likes of coconut oil, tallow, butter, ghee, lard. In contrast, industrialized oils that have taken their place in our pantry must be disposed of responsibly, such as canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, l & # 39; 39, peanut oil and vegetable oils.

These are highly refined and industrialized – to extract oil from the seeds, it takes a process that makes it deprived or poor of health benefits that it could contain as a whole food.

These fats are rich in linoleic acid, fragile, unstable and highly oxidative, promoting inflammation at the cellular level, which we try exactly to avoid.

Instead, consider cooking with more stable (less oxidizing) fats such as coconut oil, ghee, tallow and vinaigrette with olive oil, of avocado oil or macadamia oil. One caveat to all this is that some producers of processed oils are a "new" variant of seed oil – one that has a higher value in oleic acid making them healthier. That being said, the consumption of saturated fats is getting better.

RELATED: Is saturated fat bad for you? This is what science says


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Sometimes relying on will alone is not enough – we all have weaknesses after all. In this context, eliminating all treats and all known processed foods from the freezer, refrigerator and pantry could be the solution … at least for the moment. Adhering to a high-fat diet will do a number of things to your physiology, stabilizing your blood / sugar level is one and normalizing your hunger / appetite hormones is another. Of course, over time, you will be less inclined to eat treats, so that does not mean that they are on the list of banned substances forever, as you prepare to succeed.


Make an agreement with yourself for at least seven days of buying, preparing and cooking with real food. This approach is parallel to the elimination of processed foods and treats from the kitchen. This two-pronged attack will trigger a series of health promotion processes and ensure that things progress at their best. Your cells will love you for that.


We Aussies LOVE a slab of juicy protein and run a BBQ at the drop of an Akubra! This attitude towards meat and proteins has probably led to overconsumption of protein. This lack of control may contribute to our inability to achieve ketosis (if this is the desired outcome). I'd like to think of protein as just the condiment of the dish with salad / veg being the hero of the plate. In general, most Australians have this approach on their heads, with vegetables or barely visible salads. A reassessment of the quantity and quality of our proteins could be used to promote ketosis and overall health. Aim for 1-2 servings of good quality protein per round.

RELATED: 5 big protein mistakes you made



10 things to store your pantry / fridge

1. MCT oil – medium chain triglycerides, readily available for energy and converted to ketones

2. Butter / Ghee – Cooking with or adding to a dish at the end will enhance the flavor. If you add vegetables, you will be sure to eat your nine cups a day.

3. Coffee – Coffee will help your move to ketosis – stay with long blacks, espressos or bulletproof bullets.

4. green leaves – Make sure you get the starch you need for a healthy diet, just like your micronutrients. The keto diet is more than just your macros, it is essential to pay attention to microphones too.

5. coconut milk / cream – An alternative to cow's milk ketin – ideal for smoothies.

6. water – By eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, you will need to increase your hydration.

7. Herbs / spices – following a ketonic diet certainly does not mean that the food lacks taste and depth.

8. sea salt – Seasoned foods are an essential part of the whole process – the food must have a good taste!

9. Eggs – A basic ingredient for eating whole foods.

10. Olive Oil / Macadamia Oil / Walnut Oil – use butter, ghee, tallow, lard, coconut oil for cooking and olive / macadamia / walnut for the preparation of dishes.

RELATED: 5 frequent errors on the ketogenic diet

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