Allegations of sexual assault at Brett Kavanaugh: Gothamist


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<p>More allegations of sexual assault on Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh surfaced on Sunday, and there is every indication that alcohol and drugs are being used to benefit women at parties. </p>
<p>The first new allegation came from the New Yorker last night. Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer report that former Kavanaugh classmate at Yale University – Deborah Ramirez – accused Kavanaugh of being exposed to her at a dorm party during the 1983-1984 school year. Ramirez recalls having been lying on the floor after playing a drinking game that left her "foggy and breaking her words". She recalled a group of students who stood above her, one of them hanged her face and asked her to "kiss her" . She remembered pushing the boy by accidentally touching his penis.</p>
<p>"Brett was laughing," Ramirez said. "I can still see her face, and her hips go forward, like when you lift your pants.Someone yelled in the hallway, Brett Kavanaugh just put her penis on Debbie's face." That was his full name, I do not think it was just "Brett". And I remember hearing and being mortified that it was there. "Ramirez pointed out that she spent six days debating with a lawyer and" carefully evaluating her memories "before agreeing to share them publicly, knowing that alcohol consumption and her fragmented memory would lead people to doubt about her account, she did not look for the press or the Senate Democrats, she said, rather, the senators found her.   </p>
<p>In a statement to the publication, Kavanaugh categorically denied the story. "This presumed event of 35 years ago did not happen," he said. "The people who knew me know then that it did not happen and they said it's simple, simple, I can not wait to testify on Thursday about the truth and defend my reputation – and the reputation of character. " and integrity I've spent a lifetime building – against these last-minute allegations. "(Some Kavanaugh classmates, some of whom allegedly participated in the misconduct, defended it well in the article, while others recalled hearing about the incident and independently offered the same details as Ramirez.)</p>
<p>A White House spokesman described Ramirez's allegations as "the latest in a Democrat-coordinated campaign of defamation aimed at demolishing a good man." Meanwhile, <a href=President Donald Trump said that, even though he stands by his man's side and "that there is a chance that this is one of the most unjust and unjust things that has happened to a candidate, we we will have to wait and see how it goes in the Senate. "

But shortly thereafter, similar new accusations were made. Attorney Michael Avenatti, who represents Stormy Daniels, tweeted sunday evening that he had taken charge of a new client: "A woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge", the man that Christine Blasey Ford called Kavanaugh's conspirator in the incident which catalyzed this wave of reports. Blasey Ford says Kavanaugh and Judge were "drunk" and ambushed her at a party when they were 17 and she was 15 years old.

In a series of tweets, Avenatti shared screenshots of e-mails that he had sent to Mike Davis, chief counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In the exchange, Avenatti says that he has "significant evidence" of "multiple parties in the Washington, DC area in the early 1980s," suggesting that Kavanaugh, Judge and other young people men "would be involved in targeting alcoholic women / drugs to allow a group of men to rape them later." pointed out an entry in Kavanaugh's yearbook by reading "FFFFFFFourthofJuly", what he believes "represents: Find them, French-them, Feel them, Finger them, F * ck them, Forget them" and mention a "Devil's Triangle".

Avenatti asked his client for an opportunity to testify before the Judiciary Committee and Ramirez requested an investigation by the FBI. Police in Montgomery County, Maryland, reportedly investigated allegations against Kavanaugh from his senior year in high school, following a council of an "anonymous witness" who contacted them during the weekend. According to the Montgomery Sentinel, authorities have not confirmed whether their witness was the same woman as Avenatti had mentioned.

Also on Sunday, Blasey Ford agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday: the requirement to appear in person paralleled Anita Hill's treatment during Justice Clarence Thomas' confirmation process. Urging senators to listen to survivors this time, demonstrations erupted Washington DC. (with accompanied arrest); at Yale Law School; in Palo Alto, where Blasey Ford teaches, professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and Stanford.

While the White House continues to scream "smear" and question the timing of these allegations just before Kavanaugh's confirmation, it should be remembered that victims of sexual assault often wait years before sharing their stories. once others echo their own experiences. This story is developing, however, and we will update as we go along.

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