Allentown car explosion: father, son of child among the dead, parents confirm


A man and his two-year-old son were among three people killed in the car explosion that rocked downtown Allentown, according to several sources interviewed by The Morning Call.

Relatives of the father and son confirmed multiple information circulating on social media, as did a city manager in Allentown having knowledge of the case.

The authorities have not yet disclosed the identity of the victims, who died when the car exploded Saturday night in a fireball in block 700 Turner Street. Lehigh County Coroner Scott Grim said on Sunday that autopsies on the victims would be carried out today.

A parent of the father said that he did not know who was the third victim.

A press conference is scheduled to take place today, but no time has been announced.

Authorities said on Sunday that they thought the blast was an isolated incident and that "the perpetrator" was one of three casualties. The blast that shook the city's buildings and residents, many of whom posted videos of the fire.

On Sunday morning, ATF and Allentown's anti-bomb brigade converged on a Lumber Street home in connection with the incident, but the details were not disclosed.

Meanwhile, Turner Street, between seventh and eighth place, remains closed, as authorities continue to investigate the scene. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is leading the investigation, which also involves the municipal and national police and the Lehigh County Attorney's Office.

Check back for updates.

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