Alyssa Milano attends the audience of Kavanaugh, Ford


Alyssa Milano attended Thursday's Capitol Hill hearing, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The 45-year-old actress told reporters at Capitol Hill that she was attending the hearing as a guest of Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. She traveled from her home in California to Washington, DC, to support Dr. Ford, who accused the judge of sexually assaulting her in the early 1980s.

"I am here because I think that the misogyny of every man should not supplant humanity," said actress "Charmed". "… I felt that I had to be there to show solidarity and my support for Ford for this day that will surely be incredibly difficult for her."

Actress Alyssa Milano is seen before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at Capitol Hill in Washington with Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh. (Erin Schaff / The New York Times via AP, Pool)

Alyssa Milano stated that she was attending the hearing of Christine Blasey Ford and was invited by Senator Dianne Feinstein.


Milano also told reporters why it was "important" for her to be in the audience.

"It took me a long time as a survivor to accept and be public with my own abuse and aggression," she said. "And I know how difficult it is, and I know what she had to go through to be here and present and answer those questions."

She continued, "And I think that many women across the country and around the world understand the idea of ​​not wanting to talk about it, to want to make it disappear, not to want to manage it and not to understand it. it was important for me to support and support survivors around the world. "


Milan, a prominent activist for the #MeToo movement, said the 1991 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had given him a better understanding of sexual harassment. Thomas was charged with sexual harassment by Professor Anita Hill, who also testified before a Senate committee at the time.

Actress Alyssa Milano, left, embraces Representative Carolyn Maloney, DN.Y., in the hearing room before the appearance of Christine Blasey Ford before the Senate Judiciary Committee at Capitol Hill, in Washington, Thursday, September 27, 2018. (Tom Williams / Pool Image via AP)

Alyssa Milano, left, embraces Representative Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., In the hearing room before the appearance of Christine Blasey Ford before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill.


"I remember it was a horrible situation … it was so much a part of our daily discussion," said Milano.

Milan believes that Thursday's hearing could have more impact than the 1991 hearing with Hill.

"I think we are in another era. I think women are more supportive than in 1991 and I think women across the country are not going to let things happen the way they did, "she said.

Dr. Ford, 51, says that while they were teenagers, Kavanaugh flattened him on a bed, tried to forcefully remove his clothes and put his hand to prevent him from screaming. .

In his opening remarks Thursday, Ford said the alleged incident "had the most lasting impact on my life".


Milano, along with other celebrities, has expressed its support for Ford. Milan criticized President Trump when he asked why Ford had never filed a police report after the alleged sexual assault.

"I have been sexually assaulted twice. Once when I was a teenager. I have never filed a police report and it has taken me 30 years to tell my parents, "said the actress tweeted last Friday. "If someone who has survived a sexual assault wants to add something, please do it in the answers. #Me too"

Milan said Thursday it had contacted Ford's council by email to see if the professor wanted to "talk or have a coffee."

Kavanaugh vehemently denied the allegations and said he wanted to testify to clear his name since the charge was revealed. He told Martha MacCallum of Fox News that he wanted a "fair process" where he could defend his integrity.

Fox News & Chad Pergram and Kaitlyn Schallhorn contributed to this report.

Katherine Lam is a digital news producer for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @bykatherinelam

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