Alyssa Milano details the sexual assault with the speech of a "human microphone"


Alyssa Milano supports Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, even if she revisits a painful moment of her past.

On Wednesday, the actress shared a emotional video on Twitter where she recounted her sexual assault alongside a group of women who resumed her words.

Milano, 45, and the women were gathered in the office of Senator Susan Collins and, when they were unable to locate the political leader, the women came together to make the actress' words her words.

"I told one of my #MeToo stories at @SenatorCollins' office. I was with his voter, "tweeted Milano on October 3." We asked to speak to Senator Collins. She hid. Here is my story through a 'human microphone'. I'll never know if she heard me. "

WARNING: The video contains information that may be of concern to some readers.

"I'm calling Alyssa. When I was 19 years old, I was at the concert of a famous pop star who invited the audience to get closer to her, "launched Milano, while women who l & # 39; They surrounded each statement. "This led to a stampede. People crashed against each other. I could not breathe, I thought I would die. "

From there, Milan, moved, tells in detail the sexual assault committed during the concert.

"From behind me, I felt a hand pull up my skirt and hit me repeatedly in the vagina," she said. "I could not turn around. I looked at the scene, glanced at the security guards and said, "Help me, please, and they can not help me."

"They shook their heads. I managed to free myself and I climbed the stage to get away from my predator, "she continued. "And I turned around and did not know which one. And I took a look at the sea of ​​people and I could not find it.

Alyssa Milano moved during her speech on sexual assault

Alyssa Milano moved during her speech on sexual assault

Puce Somodevilla / Getty Images

Ford's defense – who recently testified with emotion about his own sexual assault presided over by Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh – Milano explained that she "could not report because I did not know who she belonged to. . "

"And I did not tell anyone because I did not know who to say," she continued, wiping a tear in her eye. "I kept the secret, just as Dr. Ford kept it for decades."

Kavanaugh denied the allegations of sexual assault against him.

RELATED: Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford after her testimony of sexual assault: "The life of a man is in ruins"

The video revelation of this declared actress comes just a week after Milan's appearance at the Supreme Court Senate hearing on September 27 to support Ford on its witnessing day.

"We are here to support her and show our solidarity," she told CNN's Lee Lee in a video, Lee said. tweeted. "It can not be an easy day for her."

Alyssa Milano at the Kavanaugh audience

Alyssa Milano at the Kavanaugh audience

REX / Shutterstock

At the beginning of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Milan was seen sitting next to New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. A few minutes after his departure time, Milan tweeted a photo from the scene, writes, "I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford."

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Alyssa Milano reveals how she found the confidence to send the first #MeToo Tweet

She also said that the day had brought her back to Anita Hill, who testified before the Senate at the Supreme Court hearings, Clarence Thomas, in 1991.

"I think we are in another era," she said. The hill. "I think women are more supportive together than we were in 1991. I think women across the country will not let that be what it was. "

Alyssa Milano interviewed after Dr. Ford's testimony

Alyssa Milano interviewed after Dr. Ford's testimony

Ron Sachs / REX / Shutterstock

A few days before the Kavanaugh hearing, Milan joined the #WhyIDidntReport movement and revealed that she had been sexually molested in a tweet to President Donald Trump.

"Hey, @realDonaldTrump, listen to the noise," she wrote on September 22. "I have been sexually assaulted twice. Once when I was a teenager. I have never filed a police report and it has taken me 30 years to tell my parents. "

the Insatiable The actress then encouraged other victims of sexual assault to follow her example.

"If a survivor of a sexual assault wants to add something, please do it in the answers. #Me too."

Milano has been campaigning for a long time and is a supportive voice for the #MeToo movement since he started gaining momentum last October. She was one of many women who accused producer Harvey Weinstein of having harassed or sexually assaulted her.

If you or someone you care about experiences sexual violence, contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

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