Alzheimer's disease may one day be treated with a common drug, study in mice suggests


Aspirin could be used to treat Alzheimer's disease, a new study suggested.

Currently, the cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown, and researchers are struggling to find a way to prevent and treat the most common form of dementia.

The research focuses on how the body treats beta-amyloid. Scientists believe that the accumulation of this plaque in a part of the brain called the hippocampus could lead to Alzheimer's disease. So scientists want to understand if helping the brain to eliminate beta-amyloid could slow the development of the disease.

Previous studies have suggested that taking aspirin could reduce the risk and prevalence of Alzheimer's disease. Building on this research, the Rush University Medical Center team in Chicago, Illinois, tested the common drug in mice with a condition comparable to that of Alzheimer's disease in the United States. ;man.

[19459] ] pill-drug-medicine-aspirin- stock ” title=””/> Aspirin could be used to slow down Alzheimer's disease, according to scientists. Getty Images

Aspirin is currently used to treat fever and relieve mild to moderate pain. It is also prescribed in low doses to prevent blood clots that can cause strokes and heart attacks.

The researchers behind the study, published in Journal of Neuroscience, have studied how aspirin affects the part of animal cells. that cleans cell debris like beta-amyloid. Known as lysosomes, these organelles contain a range of enzymes capable of breaking down molecules. This process, known as cell homeostasis, helps regulate the enzymes that degrade cells. In turn, lysosomes that do not do their job properly have been linked to neurodegenerative disorders.

In the study on mice, researchers discovered that aspirin could stimulate lysosomes, and that A low dose of medication could slow the development of the disease.

But as the study was on mice, researchers will now have to continue studying the link to prove that it can be replicated in humans.

Read more: Markers of Alzheimer's Disease Related to High-Sugar and Fat-Rich Foods Study on Mice

This is the latest study to to study the potential uses of aspirin with Alzheimer's disease: a research that has not always yielded promising results.

Rob Howard, a professor of old age psychiatry at University College London who did not participate in the study, said that he was well conducted.

However, he argued, "Before anyone is too excited by the implications for the treatments, would remind readers of two points: First, mice do not contract Alzheimer's disease and we have drawn bitter lessons from many field studies, namely that what "works" in the murine models of the disease has not yet worked in our patients' aspirin have already been carried out in patients with Alzheimer's disease.The drug had no beneficial effect on outcome measures and was associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. "

Dr. Peter Passmore, professor of aging and geriatric medicine at Queen's University Belfast, described the study as "interesting."

"It has been suggested that aspirin might be beneficial in Alzheimer's disease. "Said Dr. Passmore, who did not participate in the study." As the authors say this finding needs a lot more research than the results are inconclusive. It will take a little more research before the studies are done in the appropriate patient group. "

He pointed out that aspirin has also been associated with an increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Patients do not start to 'break out'. self-medicating with aspirin in the hope of preventing or alleviating Alzheimer's disease. "

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