Amanda Knox is engaged to Christopher Robinson


Amanda Knox, a justice activist, writer and television host who has been convicted of being wrongly sentenced, is engaged to her longtime boyfriend, she said Friday.

Christopher Robinson, a Seattle poet and author that Knox has been dating since 2015, has proposed a complex space-themed waterfall featuring a false meteorite, a futuristic tablet and the phrase "Knox-Robinson coalescence".

Knox, 31, first shared an excerpt of the proposal on his Instagram account, writing: "It was only your average Sunday night, when suddenly …" She then makes a link to the full video on YouTube.

The images show Knox led to the outside by a strange noise, but only to discover that the apparent meteorite – with its menacing lighting and smoke – was crushed on Earth. Inside was a tablet on which was the story of his romance with Robinson.

RELATED: Amanda Knox on Falling in love and wanting kids – and what she'll tell them about her jail trial

When she finished reading, Robinson, 36, proposed (without ringing – as he explained in the text at the end of the video, Knox does not wear them).

"Do you want to stay with me until the last star of the last galaxy goes out and even after that?" Asked he. "Amanda Marie Knox, will you marry me?"

Gushing, she said yes, later, asking, "How did you do that?"

"This madness had taken more than a year," wrote Robinson at the end of the video. "A special thank you to everyone who kept their lips tight."

Amanda Knox (right) and Christopher Robinson at their home in Seattle in 2017

Amanda Knox (right) and Christopher Robinson at their home in Seattle in 2017

Amanda Friedman

How they met and fell in love

Knox was not looking for love when, she told PEOPLE, he found her again.

After being released seven years ago from an Italian prison for a murder that she had not committed, the actress studied abroad returned to Seattle to rebuild what she could in her life, she said in an interview last year.

"When I returned home, I was afraid the story of the prosecution would limit me and define me forever," she said.

Knox and her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito have been sentenced twice for the murder of her 21-year-old British roommate Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy, at the age of 20. She spent four years in prison during her detention and prosecution.

Italy's highest court finally exonerated her and Sollecito in 2015. A third person, Rudy Guede, was also found guilty of murdering Kercher and is still in prison.

"It was said that my best scenario would probably be to write my dissertation and then disappear," Knox said. "Whether I deserve it or not, I could not do anything other than accept that the story of the girl accused of murdering her roommate would be the setting through which people saw me and consumed me, and through which I had to go to live my life. "

"I can not tell you how grateful I am that things did not go that way," she said.

RELATED: Amanda Knox about rebuilding her life 7 years after her release from the Italian prison

Back in the United States, Knox graduated and began writing an art column for the West Seattle Herald and has regularly found his voice as an activist for others facing wrongful convictions.

After the breakup of Sollecito, Knox started another relationship. She was engaged to someone else in May 2015 when she wrote a review of Encyclopedia War, a novel co-authored by Robinson, and she then met Robinson at a local book launch.

"I was probably the only person at the party who did not really know who she was," Robinson told People last year at his home with Knox. "I knew [about] Italy and some legal stuff and something that should not have happened But I did not really know his story. "

A few days later, Knox met Robinson and his co-author at his home to interview them. "Then we drank some scotch and watched Star Trek," he said.

Knox remembers: "When we shook hands, he said," I think you are someone with whom I should be friends. "

It was an "extraordinary" moment, she said, "because it had not happened to me yet. I went home and someone I did not know – whom I admired for their accomplishments but whom I also thought potentially as a peer – could be my friend. "

By the end of 2015, she and Robinson were dating. In 2016, they moved into a rented room bungalow in Seattle that they share with Knox's cats: Mr. Screams, Mr. Fats and Emil.

"I do not want to get married to get married," Knox said. "My hope is to have a partner with whom I can continue to face the world … and I love Chris very much and feel like I am my partner. He would be a wonderful father and we talk about it all the time. I look forward to this part of my life that I have always taken for granted growing up and that I then had to give up in jail. "

Robinson compared the Knox that he knows with the woman who appears in the Emmy-nominated documentary Netflix Amanda Knox, in which she participated.

"When something counts and she cares about it, she does not let it slip. She sets her foot and defends what she just believes, he says. "But it's not because she is that person that we will not dance in the kitchen while we prepare dinner. We have a lot of fun together and we let that fantasy carry us. "

Knox said, "I imagine that Christopher and I will have many conversations with our children over the years, starting from the beginning."

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