Amazon HQ2: How New York and Virginia Won the Beauty Contest


After 14 months of opinions, meetings and offers of incentives and name changes, Amazon announced Tuesday that its second head office would be installed at two sites: one at Long Island City, Queens, and the other in Arlington, Virginia. smaller operations and logistics facility in Nashville.

Here are some details that you may have missed in all covers:

The company's leaders flew to New York just to establish that Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio could put aside their longstanding differences.

Although the two men clashed in all areas, from subway to deer handling, they were all smiling Tuesday. "I know him so well, it's just more open and verbal," said Cuomo. "Be it good or bad."

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos will be able to get to work by flying over the East River – where kayakers are now windsurfing. Office buildings will increase and make room for 25,000 workers. How can this happen so fast? The state and the city will bypass the municipal council, which has the power to block rezoning and land-use planning.

The rebranding has already triggered a conversation on social media.

Mr Cuomo said that he was doing everything possible to attract Amazon.

"I'm going to change my name to Amazon Cuomo if that's right, "Cuomo said. "Because it would be a great economic boost."

It will take approximately one million square feet in the 50-story Citicorp building located in Long Island City. A debate took place on the possible replacement of the Citi logo by the company, visible from Manhattan. But Amazon is not interested in a sign. Alicia Glen, Deputy Mayor of Economic Development, said the region is known as Anable Basin: "I guess they'll call it the Amazon Basin."

What do you give to a man who is one of the richest people in the world? Tucson business leaders attempted to send Mr. Bezos a 21-foot cactus. The plant has been restored – it would still have suffered in the Seattle rain. The mayor of Frisco, Texas, offered the chance to get a Jamba juice and contract the "Frisco Flu". Canada's offer was only Canada.

As stated above, New York has promised Amazon at least $ 1.7 billion in incentives. Virginia has pledged incentives worth $ 573 million, including $ 550 million in grants.

Economists have long criticized tax incentives as ineffective and unnecessary measures leaving less money for education and public works. In total, both sites offered more than $ 2 billion in tax credits, rebates and other incentives to Amazon.

Bryce Covert, an opinion writer who contributed to the survey, also notes that the lucrative contracts awarded to Amazon could mean that other cities will expect similar treatment when they try to settle.

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