Amazon Prime Benefits from Whole Foods Stores


  Whole Foods Prime
A Whole Foods store in Richmond, Virginia.

Business Insider

Amazon provides premium treatment to its leading members by distributing discounts at Whole Foods stores.

Stores are now gathering places for prominent members, filled with in-store advertisements showing the latest offers that are only available to senior members. Workers wear blue aprons of the highest order announcing membership, and cashiers are keen to ask each customer where he is a key member to scan the code to get discounts at checkout.

Asking customers directly, in person, when they are part of the Prime program, is something that Amazon has never been able to do before. This changes the game, opening a new potential growth path for the service.

While all these materials and techniques ostensibly advertise the main offerings, they also necessarily work as advertisements for Prime herself – and only Prime.

Business Information

The most obvious case is the Prime Registration Table, where workers ask Whole Foods customers if they are core members. If they are not members, they receive small brochures announcing all the benefits of Prime.


These employees serve as early evangelists, focusing their attention on clients who say they have no Premium or have not heard about it, putting them aside for free discussion, two days of delivery.

Having Prime in Whole Foods gives him a foothold in the physical world as the service becomes more vital to Amazon's business. The main customers are by far the most loyal of Amazon, buying more products more often, so it makes sense that the company wants to keep the customers in the Prime ecosystem and increase the number of people that the service reached.

Although analysts estimate that about 75% of Whole Foods' customers already have access to the Prime, this remaining 25% is ready to be picked, with some indicators signaling a slowdown in growth in the number of consumers. adherents in the United States.

Additional report by Hayley Peterson.

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