Amazon Prime Day Deals at Whole Foods


  Whole Foods Prime
A Whole Foods store in Richmond, Virginia.

Business Insider

Whole Foods participates in the Prime Day action.

Amazon wasted no time in integrating its grocery chain, which she bought last year for $ 13.7 billion. And now, the stores are added to the annual festival of Amazon, Prime Day. It marks the first time that Prime Day offers will be available at a brick-and-mortar store and outside itself.

Amazon said in a statement that prime ministers will be able to "taste the savings on high-quality natural and organic products they like at Prime Day" at Whole Foods, with "discounts on some popular products. "

It is unclear to what extent these transactions will be different from the Prime-only discounts that Whole Foods has put in place, apparently just in time for Prime Day. The rebates were rolled out at all Whole Foods stores across the country at the end of June.


As an added bonus for Prime Day, Amazon will offer 10% off items already on sale.

Customers will need to download the new Whole Foods app and scan their Prime Code to take advantage of the savings just like they do with the usual premium discounts at the grocery chain.

In addition, Amazon Prime Rewards cardholders will receive a 10% discount on all purchases from Whole Foods July 14-17, up to a $ 400 rebate.

Whole Foods has become a huge growth area for Prime, Amazon integrating membership in the grocer. Keeping this in mind, it's no surprise that Prime Day is also making a splash.

Stores are now gathering places for prominent members, filled with in-store advertisements showing the latest offers that are only available to senior members. Workers wear first-rate blue aprons promoting members, and cashiers are expected to ask customers if they are privileged members and are therefore entitled to discounts at the checkout.


Asking customers directly, in person, they're part of the Prime program is something that Amazon has never been able to do before. This changes the game, opening a new potential growth path for the service.

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