Amazon Prime Day: workers' strikes and a site crash dent online shopping bona


Amazon's Prime Day quickly became its biggest selling day of the year. (Scott Olson / Getty Images) workers, who have long been on strike near the holidays, have found a new opportunity to attract attention from their employer: "Prime Day".

1,800 Amazon workers in Spain went on strike on Monday during Prime Day, which quickly became the company 's biggest sales day of the year. Thousands of other Amazon workers in Germany are expected to leave work on Tuesday, the second day of the 36-hour sale, for similar reasons. The unions representing the warehouses, Comisiones Obreras and the Verdi services union, claim that they are demanding better working conditions, remuneration and health. "The message is clear: while the online giant enriches, he saves money Stefanie Nutzenberger, spokesman for Verdi, said in a statement on the website of the German union

Prime Day, created by Amazon four years ago, has grown rapidly in recent years and brings billions of dollars to the company.On Monday, the sale started at 3pm – and almost immediately followed. crushed Amazon's website and mobile application for about 45 minutes. "UH-OH", said a message about the application of the company. "Something went wrong on our side . 19659006] This week's union protests underscore a growing challenge for Amazon: it faces a closer scrutiny of its hiring and work practices at a time when it is looking to add thousands of new employees to the company. warehouse and growing to spe

Amazon and its billionaire founder, Jeffrey P. Bezos , have a long history of backlash of organizing efforts in the United States. (Bezos also owns the Washington Post, where last week the unionized workers approved a new deal with the press house after 14 months of tense negotiations.)

But in Europe, where unionization is more prevalent, unions are in the forefront of calling workers' rights in the company's warehouses, where physical demands can be exhausting and temperatures can reach extremes. Until now, however, most of their efforts have centered on the holiday season. In November, for example, hundreds of Amazonian workers in Italy and Germany went on strike, claiming that they were "under pressure to create more and more in less time."

A spokeswoman for the Seattle giant said, "Amazon is a fair and responsible employer and as such we are engaged in dialogue, which is an integral part of our culture," said the spokeswoman. Melanie Etches in an email

. This week's strikes have also inspired massive calls on social networks for boycotts of buyers.

In the United States, advocacy groups plan several consumer gatherings outside of the Amazonian market's Whole Foods markets to protest the sale of Nazis, Confederates and whites. Nationalist goods through the Amazon market of third-party sellers. There have also been massive calls on social networks for consumers to boycott the Amazon during the First Day, which continues until Tuesday.

"People demand change, not only politicians, but also companies." in a statement promoting the Whole Foods protests. "The goal of #PrimeDayofAction is to educate the public about the harmful practices of the country's largest online retailer and ask," Is there anything that Amazon will not do for a dollar?

"Amazon is a giant More than a strike in Spain to make its cage vibrate," said Peter Horst, founder of the marketing consulting company CMO. "But at the same time, these strikes create a moment for consumers to pause and say," What's going on here? I like these low prices, but I am also starting to have sympathy for some of these workers. ""

He and others have named Walmart, Amazon's biggest competitor, as a telling tale.The company has become the largest retailer in the world, especially by offering unbeatable prices but she has also been widely criticized for treating her workers, some of whom say they've had to rely on government programs to make ends meet.] It's too early to say, said organizers the protest, how workers' strikes could affect shipments throughout Europe. "Amazon's priority is to serve and abide by the delivery promises of our customers," said spokesman Etches. from the Amazon

. to the San Fernando warehouse of the company outside Madrid are on strike. (Amazon disputed this figure and said that "the majority "employees were at work read ndi.)

This year's Prime Day is expected to bring in $ 3.4 billion to the business, up from $ 2.4 billion a year ago. research company Coresight Research. Amazon created the discount event four years ago to mark the 20th anniversary of the company

A number of other retailers, including Target, Macy's, Kohl and eBay, also promote discounts throughout the week.

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