Amazon says to Bernie Sanders: All workers will earn more, despite the removal of bonuses and stock-buying grants


Amazon on Tuesday sent a letter to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) In which she promised that all her American paid employees at the time would be in a better financial situation after the coming into force of her new policy paid on November 1st.

"All employees working in the operations and customer service sector will see an increase in their total compensation as a result of this announcement," wrote Jay Carney, executive vice president of global business of Amazon, in a letter addressed to Sanders by the Washington Post.

Amazon, the second largest employer in the United States, announced last week its intention to raise its minimum wage $ 15 for all hourly workers who work in execution centers, return centers and other sites. But employees of some Amazon warehouses were neither applauded nor applauded when they heard the news because the company had simultaneously withdrawn bonuses and free shares. (Jeffrey P. Bezos, chief executive of Amazon, also owns the Washington Post).

Many workers told The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Huffington Post and other media that they thought they were earning less thanks to the new rules than today, which has pushed Sanders to ask Amazon to confirm that all employees would see a full compensation increase after the changes came into force.

"Once again, all hourly and customer service employees will see an increase in base salary and total compensation," said Carney. "We are also proud to continue to provide our state-of-the-art benefits, including comprehensive health care, up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave and our Career Choices program, which pays in advance 95% employee training costs for courses in high demand areas. . "

Carney said that the hourly wage increase "more than compensated" for the gradual elimination of incentive bonus and free shares, and repeated that the company was eliminating them because the workers wanted a more "immediate and predictable" remuneration.

Workers who have been working for the company for several years are still trying to figure out how Amazon is going to make sure they're getting a higher salary than they do now. "Total compensation" often refers to the increased salary and not necessarily to the net pay on which most workers are concentrated. Employees currently earning $ 14.01 or more were told that they would receive a dollar wage increase, but as an employee of a Tennessee payment processing center told Washington Post, he currently earns about 8% additional bonus per month.

His base salary is about $ 14 an hour, and the extra bonus for a good performance would bring him about $ 180 more per month or more during the peak holiday season from October to December. After the changes, he would earn only $ 160 more per month thanks to the increase in dollars. Amazon is also ending its practice of giving workers an increase of one quarter every six months, which creates a lower ceiling on the salary of former employees.

In addition, he will no longer receive a purchase of shares, acquired after three years of acquisition of the company and representing a substantial advantage for long-term employees since the company's shares are worth nearly four times what it was in September 2015.

The worker, who asked not to be named for fear of reprisal, said that he was "disappointed" and described this phenomenon as "slowing down events." He added that morale had been "shot down" by former employees.

Amazon told Sanders that it plans to do more outreach to help employees understand the impact the changes will have on them and their fate.

Sanders, who repeatedly berated Bezos for underpaying his employees, congratulated Amazon after raising the minimum wage and said it could be a shot for the world, which would spur other big names. companies to do the same.

Amazon's $ 15 salary is well above the typical retail pay in the United States, but remains below the median wage of $ 15.53 at the warehouse, according to Ministry of Labor data.


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