Amazon toy retailers in Target are improving their game for this year's holiday rush


Amazon is taking another page of traditional retailers in its quest to capture business to take after the disappearance of Toys' R & # 39; Us Inc.

The online giant goes conventional with plans to publish a catalog of holiday toys, people with the knowledge of the strategy told Bloomberg News. The printed guide will be sent to millions of US households and distributed to Whole Foods Market, the Amazon grocery chain bought last year, said the people, who asked not to be named because the plan is not public. All its misfortunes, Toys' R & # 39; Us, which closed all its American stores after failing bankruptcy, was still a force during Christmas. The holiday season will therefore be crucial for other retailers, including Target and Walmart, to gain market share.

"In terms of toys, Target has had 16 consecutive quarters of growth. According to the momentum we have seen and the plans we have set for the holiday season, we expect growth to continue, "said Joshua Thomas, a spokesman for Target

Thomas adds: [traduction]

The Minneapolis retailer has "reimagined and improved" the toy store sections in 114 reshaped locations this year – presentations, signage and layouts, said Thomas.In October, 500 stores will see their toy sections expanded in time for the holiday season.

Target also plans in-store events with vendors during the holidays, he said.

In addition, Target will begin storing new items Thomas toys

The toys section on the website will also continue to see improvements, says Thomas.

Amazon's more aggressive approach to toys came after its purchase of 13.7 mid $ 100 of Whole Foods makes a big splash as it pushed into the brick-and-mortar retail. Amazon has since integrated the channel into its larger business, including the marketing of its voice assistants and discount membership in stores.

A spokesperson for Amazon declined to comment

Toys '# Big Book' toys catalog R a hundred-page staple, with toy makers who often begin their holiday advertisements to coordinate their arrival at the end of October.

Toys' R & # 39; It generated $ 6.5 billion in US sales last year. This has pushed many retailers – even those who were not known for their toys – to turn to some of the activities of the deceased chain. Take Party City Holdco Inc., which opens 50 pop-up toy stores for the holidays.

Amazon has become a toy shopping destination in its own right. The big reason is that toys, especially during holidays, attract buyers. In 2007, the company copied traditional retailers and released a list of toys online for the end of the year parties, in which toys were to be in demand. It has gained market share in the category since, and now it takes another page of inherited channels.

Includes reports of Matt Townsend of Bloomberg and writer Catherine Roberts

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