Amazon will open a second automated store in Seattle – and this one is m


Amazon delighted the Internet in 2016 with its vision of a cashier-free store, Amazon Go, where you can simply get what you want and get a self-paid bill and paid automatically, thanks to computer vision and other sensors this tracking what you are taking. After testing its first store in Seattle with employees for more than a year, the late public opening finally took place on Jan. 22 this year.

We now know that it was not an exceptional effort: today GeekWire reports that a second location is being prepared for the upcoming opening.

Following a reader's tip, the GeekWire journalists confirmed that Amazon is putting the finishing touches on a second store in the Madison Center a 36-storey high-rise opposite of the Seattle Central Library. This one is much larger – it is located at around 3,000 square feet, compared to 1,800 square feet of the original location. More products and more traffic will put Amazon's cameras and algorithms more in the limelight, a necessary step if it needs to evolve. In May, Amazon confirmed its intention to open Go stores in San Francisco and Chicago. Recode reports that at least six stores beyond Seattle are in preparation. But we do not know where Go will go, or even if Amazon knows it.

Related: This AI startup wants to automate each store as Amazon Go

In 2016, Business Insider said that she had dug up Amazon documents showing plans to open about 2,000 automated stores – a report that Amazon has quickly beaten. Amazon also claims not to have the intention of extending the cashless technology to the Whole Foods supermarket chain, which she bought back in August 2017. If it were adapted to the size of the supermarket, it would be a good idea. a store, the logistics challenge would increase considerably. The Whole Foods average store has 40,000 square feet of floor space.

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