Amazon's "good omens" bring the fight between good and evil to Madison Square Garden


Good and evil clashed at Madison Square Garden on Saturday, as author Neil Gaiman and director Douglas Mackinnon accompanied stars David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Miranda Richardson and Jon Hamm to discuss the long-awaited adaptation of Amazon Good omens. In a broad panel moderated by Whoopi Goldberg, Gaiman and the cast debuted with a new trailer for the series and discussed the adaptation of the bonkers novel to television.

For Gaiman, seeing the show unfold together marks the achievement of a long-standing goal. Terry Pratchett and his co-author "failed to make a film almost immediately. We then passed the baton to Terry Gilliam, who failed to make the film almost immediately. They then considered adapting the novel to television, but they were told over and over that he was "too fat and too weird."

auspicious amazon tennant shen David Tennant and Michael Sheen in the adaptation of Amazon's "Auspicious" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. The show will debut in 2019. Amazon

Shortly before his death, Pratchett again urged Gaiman to try to make the show happen. Gaiman began writing the first episode shortly after Pratchett's death in 2016. He knew from the start that it would be a limited series. "Six episodes seemed right, it looked like that kind of shape," he said.

Most of the actors were huge fans of the work of Gaiman and Pratchett before joining the cast. "I should be there, not here. Because I'm a fan, "Sheen said." To end up being friends with Neil and to get that thing on the screen, it's like a dream come true, "he said. sarcastically adding, "I just have to stand those horrible actors."

Before joining the cast, Hamm was also a fan of Gaiman's work, so much so that he did not need to know a lot of details before agreeing to read for the role. "I do not care about the game, I know it will be great and I'm very excited to do it. I am always very excited, "he said. "Plus, I've never been to a Comic Con. Which, I suppose, is a person who … steals comics?

jon hamm good omen Jon Hamm in the role of Angel Gabriel in "Good Omens". Gaiman announced the cast selection last November on Twitter. Twitter / @neilhimself

Gaiman and Mackinnon are still working on editing the series and have refused to reveal a definitive release date for the series during the panel. For the moment, finishing the show is a daily and daily commitment. "One day, Douglas and I will leave and find our wives," laughs Gaiman.

Good omens arrives on Amazon Prime TV in 2019. Check out the new trailer, which debuted on Saturday at NYCC, below.

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