Amazon's Strategic Move To Split HQ2

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While most of us were busy speculating which city it would be Amazon's second headquarters, Amazon was supposedly busy choosing not just one, but two locations. According to the Wall Street Journal, it is now suggested that Amazon might choose both Long Island City in New York City and Crystal City in Virginia.

Amazon's selection process has been a very public affair. As the Wall Street Journal reports, "Amazon has defied convention by turning the search for an unusually public beauty pageant."

Some may write a simple beauty pageant, a publicity stunt of spells. But Amazon is one of the most strategic companies in business today. They do not do publicity stunts for the sake of sitting pretty. Underneath Amazon's decisions are usually strong strategic reasoning. And, I suspect, the public selection process for HQ2 is no different, with three central drivers:

  1. Attract talent
  2. Streamline operations
  3. Collect all the data

(AP Photo / Cliff Owen)

A Talent Magnet

According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon plans to "bring as many as 50,000 employees" over a twenty year period.

Imagine a headcount of 50,000 employees for a minute. The U.S. Census considers a company with more than 500 employees a "large enterprise." And here, Amazon is proposing to establish a second headquarters that is 100x that size. Hiring 50,000 employees is like hiring a small city.

It's a human resource and hiring managers reeling with the task of successfully filling in the roles, especially left to a single city. HQ2 Splitting HQ2 is increasing the burden on staff, while increasing the likelihood of finding top talent.

By choosing these two cities, Amazon would be tapping into two primary talent pools.

  1. Existing talent: Amazon figured out long ago that Silicon Valley does not have a monopoly on talent. One of the reasons Amazon has made it happen that it's only in the Silicon Valley. Alternative locations offer untapped tech talent, especially true of the East Coast. These two talented hubs for fast talent infusions.
  2. ImmigrationIf these two locations are in fact the winners, Amazon will not only have access to the existing talent pool but also the high influx of immigration related to other cities. The startup has long cited immigration as a source of talent, especially in the areas Amazon is looking to hire, namely tech, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. While in Washington, DC, and New York City, it is likely to settle in the future.

An Eye for Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness

At first glance, it would be logical to assume that splitting HQ2 in two is not an operationally efficient solution. Why set up two new locations when you could streamline the process and focus on just one? But splitting the rentals has three advantages.

  1. Alleviating growing breads. Setting up 50,000 employees in one location quickly is extremely difficult. A growing company that is already growing breads: changing organizational structures, managerial talent (or lack thereof), logistical issues. By splitting HQ2 in half, it reduces the operational burden and increases the likelihood of successful scaling over a short time-frame.
  2. Shared learnings: Setting up two locations at a time could create a real-time feedback loop for shared learning. It would not only help but also help to learn future rental locations. It's only a matter of time before an international HQ3 is announced.
  3. Competition: At the same time, nothing lights a fire like competition. The competitive aspect of pitting two locations against another action on an accelerated timeline. While hypothetical, Amazon has been known to implement competitive practices to drive results.

Data, Data, Data

Perhaps one of the least discussed and most underestimated goals, I suspect, of Amazon's public selection process.

The location selection process began with proposals from 238 areas. That's 238 proposals delineating strengths, weaknesses, risks, challenges of each city and what it could offer Amazon. Each proposal and subsequent pitch offers the possibility to ask questions and questions.

Amazon may not have had access to the subject, but it also requires the due diligence effort and workload required of Amazon to vet each city. It is like free outsourcing.

(AP Photo / Cliff Owen)

Implications: Is Amazon A Predator?

Amazon has said it will invest over $ 5 billion over a twenty-year period in the rental (s) of HQ2.

The investment will be able to attract other businesses and fuel economic growth. But it will also include existing infrastructure, existing stellar infrastructure, and steal talent, potentially crushing the existing ecosystem wherever it settles.

Tea It is important that it will be used by HQ2. The concern is understandable. Amazon is a Tyrannosaurus Rex of modern-day business. When Amazon comes to town, everyone is up, everyone is on edge. Because if Amazon decides to attack your business, the cock can be lethal.

A reasonable question, then, is the benefits of housing HQ2 outweigh the costs?

Amazon might be perceived as a predator, but most of its growth can be attributed to its skill as a scavenger. Although Amazon will not be able to use it, it will be able to do so in its way, its success is driven by its ability to scavenge so well. Amazon has not won with a strategy of attacking the competition. It has won because it can not see where else. Its first act of reinventing the book is a case in point. Amazon scavenges underutilized and underleveraged resources.

And its new speculated strategic initiative of the HQ2s is a chief example of that. Had Amazon's strategy was purely predatory, it would have attacked a city like San Francisco. And if it had, it would have been predictable, it would make it less terrifying. The fact that no one knows what Amazon is going to do.

Amazon has proven once again, it is not a dinosaur lumbering, but as nimble as it is, strategically preparing for its next act. While the rest of us grasshoppers sit on the sidelines and wait.

FStephanie Denning on Twitter: @stephdenning

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The Collapse Of Strategy And Its Implications

The Netflix Pressure-Cooker: A Culture That Drives Performance

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While most of us were busy speculating which city it would be Amazon's second headquarters, Amazon was supposedly busy choosing not just one, but two locations. According to the Wall Street Journal, it is now suggested that Amazon might choose both Long Island City in New York City and Crystal City in Virginia.

Amazon's selection process has been a very public affair. As the Wall Street Journal reports, "Amazon has defied convention by turning the search for an unusually public beauty pageant."

Some may write a simple beauty pageant, a publicity stunt of spells. But Amazon is one of the most strategic companies in business today. They do not do publicity stunts for the sake of sitting pretty. Underneath Amazon's decisions are usually strong strategic reasoning. And, I suspect, the public selection process for HQ2 is no different, with three central drivers:

  1. Attract talent
  2. Streamline operations
  3. Collect all the data

A Talent Magnet

According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon plans to "bring as many as 50,000 employees" over a twenty year period.

Imagine a headcount of 50,000 employees for a minute. The U.S. Census considers a company with more than 500 employees a "large enterprise." And here, Amazon is proposing to establish a second headquarters that is 100x that size. Hiring 50,000 employees is like hiring a small city.

It's a human resource and hiring managers reeling with the task of successfully filling in the roles, especially left to a single city. HQ2 Splitting HQ2 is increasing the burden on staff, while increasing the likelihood of finding top talent.

By choosing these two cities, Amazon would be tapping into two primary talent pools.

  1. Existing talent: Amazon figured out long ago that Silicon Valley does not have a monopoly on talent. One of the reasons Amazon has made it happen that it's only in the Silicon Valley. Alternative locations offer untapped tech talent, especially true of the East Coast. These two talented hubs for fast talent infusions.
  2. ImmigrationIf these two locations are in fact the winners, Amazon will not only have access to the existing talent pool but also the high influx of immigration related to other cities. The startup has long cited immigration as a source of talent, especially in the areas Amazon is looking to hire, namely tech, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. While in Washington, DC, and New York City, it is likely to settle in the future.

An Eye for Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness

At first glance, it would be logical to assume that splitting HQ2 in two is not an operationally efficient solution. Why set up two new locations when you could streamline the process and focus on just one? But splitting the rentals has three advantages.

  1. Alleviating growing breads. Setting up 50,000 employees in one location quickly is extremely difficult. A growing company that is already growing breads: changing organizational structures, managerial talent (or lack thereof), logistical issues. By splitting HQ2 in half, it reduces the operational burden and increases the likelihood of successful scaling over a short time-frame.
  2. Shared learnings: Setting up two locations at a time could create a real-time feedback loop for shared learning. It would not only help but also help to learn future rental locations. It's only a matter of time before an international HQ3 is announced.
  3. Competition: At the same time, nothing lights a fire like competition. The competitive aspect of pitting two locations against another action on an accelerated timeline. While hypothetical, Amazon has been known to implement competitive practices to drive results.

Data, Data, Data

Perhaps one of the least discussed and most underestimated goals, I suspect, of Amazon's public selection process.

The location selection process began with proposals from 238 areas. That's 238 proposals delineating strengths, weaknesses, risks, challenges of each city and what it could offer Amazon. Each proposal and subsequent pitch offers the possibility to ask questions and questions.

Amazon may not have had access to the subject, but it also requires the due diligence effort and workload required of Amazon to vet each city. It is like free outsourcing.

Implications: Is Amazon A Predator?

Amazon has said it will invest over $ 5 billion over a twenty-year period in the rental (s) of HQ2.

The investment will be able to attract other businesses and fuel economic growth. But it will also include existing infrastructure, existing stellar infrastructure, and steal talent, potentially crushing the existing ecosystem wherever it settles.

Tea It is important that it will be used by HQ2. The concern is understandable. Amazon is a Tyrannosaurus Rex of modern-day business. When Amazon comes to town, everyone is up, everyone is on edge. Because if Amazon decides to attack your business, the cock can be lethal.

A reasonable question, then, is the benefits of housing HQ2 outweigh the costs?

Amazon might be perceived as a predator, but most of its growth can be attributed to its skill as a scavenger. Although Amazon will not be able to use it, it will be able to do so in its way, its success is driven by its ability to scavenge so well. Amazon has not won with a strategy of attacking the competition. It has won because it can not see where else. Its first act of reinventing the book is a case in point. Amazon scavenges underutilized and underleveraged resources.

And its new speculated strategic initiative of the HQ2s is a chief example of that. Had Amazon's strategy was purely predatory, it would have attacked a city like San Francisco. And if it had, it would have been predictable, it would make it less terrifying. The fact that no one knows what Amazon is going to do.

Amazon has proven once again, it is not a dinosaur lumbering, but as nimble as it is, strategically preparing for its next act. While the rest of us grasshoppers sit on the sidelines and wait.

FStephanie Denning on Twitter: @stephdenning

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The Collapse Of Strategy And Its Implications

The Netflix Pressure-Cooker: A Culture That Drives Performance

Ray Dalio Issues Conventional Career Wisdom

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