Amber Guyger was fired by the Dallas Police Department


Amber Guyger, former Dallas police officer
Photo: Kaufman County Sheriff's Office (via AP Photo)

Amber Guyger – the 30-year-old policeman who shot and killed 26-year-old Botham Shem Jean while sitting in his own apartment – was fired from the Dallas Police Department.

The department announced the end of Guyger via a publication on Twitter, claiming that the officer was fired during a hearing that took place on Monday.

"Dallas Police Chief U. Reneé Hall fired police officer Amber Guyger, number 10702, during a hearing on September 24, 2018," the statement said. "An internal affairs investigation concluded that on September 9, 2018, Constable Guyger, # 10702, engaged in undesirable behavior when she was arrested for manslaughter.

"Agent Guyger was fired for his actions. She was hired in November 2013 and assigned to the Southeast Patrol Division. Under the rules of the public service, Agent Guyger has the right to appeal his discipline.

The announcement itself is somewhat confusing for a number of reasons.

What would Guyger have done when she was arrested on September 9th? Filming took place on September 6th; was this the date on which they intended to make the announcement?

The Washington Post had the same question, and when they asked, the Dallas police said Guyger had been fired "just because she was arrested – not for everything she did during the arrest."

The use of the word "apprehension" is a little exaggerated, in my opinion, because Guyger surrendered. She was not apprehended, but it does not matter.

Guyger getting fired is a good sign, but the fact that she can appeal this decision is not. In addition, it takes more than a cancellation.

A man was killed for doing nothing more than being in his own apartment.

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All you said about Botham Jean is fake

Come. Let me show you something.

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Guyger's story is that she parked her car at the wrong parking lot and entered the wrong floor of the building. She went to the door she thought was hers, put her key in the lock and, as the door was apparently "ajar", her key opened the door.

From the door she would have seen Jean as a "shadow" and, considering him a burglar, she would have shouted verbal orders saying she had not respected before pulling her service weapon and firing twice. Jean was hit on the chest and died from the gunshot wound.

Guyger was probably trained to get into the work that she had. There are key things she missed at a level of observation that could have prevented Botham Jean's death. The red doormat. Furniture likely in positions where they would not have gone if she had been in her own apartment. The shadows – which she claimed to be Jean – would also have been different. Why did not she notice that?

The timing of Guyger's job separation is a bit odd, considering that last week Chief Hall said that she did not want to fire Guyger because it could interfere with the criminal investigation. on the shooting death of John.

In a statement released Thursday, Hall said: "As an employer, DPD can compel Agent Guyger to provide a statement during an administrative investigation by the DPO and these statements could jeopardize the criminal investigation.

Four days later, Guyger was fired, but the criminal investigation is not over yet. What will be the impact of his dismissal on the criminal investigation?

Is his dismissal a pacification for the masses calling for justice?

Again, justice means more than Guyger loses his job. We need a conviction and we need her to serve her time. This should not be swept under the carpet.

Botham Jean deserves better.

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