Amber Rose dresses up as a sexy bride at SlutWalk 2018


Amber Rose, SlutWalk, Slut ride, 2018

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Here is the bride, Amber Rose. But she does not remarry; she sends a message.

The 34-year-old glamorous model wore a sexy wedding outfit – a short white corset dress and matching stockings, a garter and a veil – at her fourth walk and annual Amber Rose SlutWalk festival in Los Angeles on Saturday. She combined the look with white sneakers and a long blonde wig.

Rose, who has already been married in real life Wiz KhalifaWore a sign that said, "Wife a bitch, we're more fun."

The annual Amber Rose SlutWalk conference aims to empower women and end the culture of rape, victim blame and shame.

"I have the impression that my SlutWalk is sexually liberating, positive and that we are fighting," Rose told E! New. "We are allowed to be sexy, we are allowed to dress as we please, it is not an invitation to touch us inappropriately … we do not take anything at all. finished. "

The event comes amidst a growing number of protests and an open dialogue against sexual assault and harassment across the country, bolstered by the #MeToo Movement campaign and Times Up. The scheduled march also comes a few hours before the Senate vote, which must or will not confirm the president. Donald TrumpThe choice of the judge of the Supreme Court, judge Brett Kavanaugh, who has been charged with sexual misconduct. He denied the allegations.

At SlutWalk, Rose spoke to E! News of how she taught him and Khalifa's son Sebastian on consent.

"He is 5 years old and he already likes girls and he likes to kiss girls on the lips," she said. "At first, when I first brought him to school, I saw that he was kissing girls on the lips and that some of them were saying : "Oh, Sebastian, stop," while other girls said, "OK." I told him, "Baby, when they say no, you can not support and force them to kiss, buddy." They must say "OK." And if they say "OK", then go ahead, kiss them. & # 39; "

"He is 5. He is an innocent little boy." But as he gets older, he'll know: "My mother taught me that if a girl said no, my brother, that's it." is no, and that's all, "she said.

Amber Rose, Slut Walk, Slut Walk "data-text =" false

Broadimage / REX / Shutterstock

Inspired by Toronto's original SlutWalk, Rose launched her own in Los Angeles in 2015.

"There has happened to me a lot about SlutWalk," Rose says. Harper's Bazaar last month. "I did not know how to explain what was happening and why I felt like that, it 's because I' ve been sexually assaulted, that I 've been raped and that I' ve been the shame of the slut.I've also been blamed by the victim.I had not really talked about these things that would happen until I started to look online, to see things and to realize that I was not alone and that I now have a platform where I can help other women recovering and healing. "

Rose, known for her revealing online styles, is disguised as a sexy superheroine named Captain Save a Hoe during her SlutWalk 2017. She wore black lingerie during the 2016 and 2015 events.

"No matter what we have," she says Harper's Bazaar. "It's still not an excuse to come and touch me inappropriately or to assume that I want to fuck you, because I do not do it."

Rose's wedding attire at Saturday's SlutWalk may have also been a tribute to Stéphanie Seymourlook in Guns N Roses"Iconic Music of 1991" "Rain Rain". Rose shared an excerpt on Instagram in July in tribute to the guitarist for his birthday cut, saying that he was his childhood hero and that listening to his guitar solo in the song had helped him overcome many fears during his life.

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