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American Airlines is struggling to buy its cheapest tickets.

As of September 5, The Carrier will allow passengers who purchase its so-called "economic base" tickets to bring a free hand luggage and not just a personal item that slips under the seat in front of them.

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker said President Robert Isom said the US core business's bottom line was below expectations.

Delta Air Lines already allows passengers to buy tickets in

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"We have released this product with a slightly different model than what the others had done in the past," he said. Pa rker said. "We think the right thing to do is get in line with the competition."

The American baggage policy has confused and frustrated many passengers, although American clearly specifies the fine print during the booking process. Passengers are often caught off guard when US agents require that those traveling with standard hand luggage pay a fee to check it.

Even with the change, customers who travel on basic economy fares in America should not necessarily expect to embark with a bag that needs to be stowed in an upper compartment. chance that most of the trash space is already full.

Contribution: Ben Mutzabaugh

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