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A dozen passengers on two American Airlines flights from Europe to Philadelphia reported flu-like symptoms upon their arrival Thursday, prompting airport officials to inform the centers of their flights. control and prevention of diseases and other authorities.

The airport said in a statement that a total of 250 passengers and crew from Flight 755 from Paris and Flight 717 from Munich had been held for a "precautionary" medical examination.

CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes said the CDC and Philadelphia public health officials were working with emergency medical services staff and customs and border protection officials to assess the risks. sick passengers.

Twelve passengers on both flights reported having sore throats and coughing, but no fever, Haynes said via e-mail.

"None of the passengers are seriously ill and they will be released and informed of the test results within 24 hours," the e-mail said. "The passengers of the two flights who were not sick continued their travel plans and we will have more information as the test results are confirmed."

American Airlines spokeswoman Leslie Scott said the problem occurred after the passengers withdrew from the plane and went to customs. The Airbus A330s used on flights have not been quarantined, she added.

The incidents occur one day after passengers got sick on an Emirates flight between Dubai and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Many have been tested positive for the flu and other respiratory viruses.

As the influenza season approaches, the CDC recommends that people with the flu stay home and avoid traveling for at least 24 hours after the end of their fever. The agency also recommends the seasonal flu shot, preferably by the end of October.


19 passengers were found "sick" on an Emirates plane that landed at JFK airport in New York. The tarmac was littered with ambulances and health officers where the plane was briefly quarantined.

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