American Airlines will soon allow passengers with nut allergies to board their flights early, according to Today and Fox News.

The airline told the news sites in a statement that the new policy will start Dec. 12.

“Customers with nut allergies who would like to board flights early to wipe down surfaces may ask to do so at the gate,” the statement read. “Though we do not serve peanuts in flight, we can’t guarantee our customers won’t be exposed to peanuts or other tree nuts during their trip. We strongly encourage those with allergies to take all necessary medical precautions before flying.”

Bloomberg reports the decision came after complaints were filed against the airline last year by Food Allergy Research & Education, a nonprofit focused on food allergy awareness and advocacy, as well as a woman whose son has a life-threatening peanut allergy.

The airline outlined the decision in a response filing with the U.S. Transportation Department.

Delta Air Lines also allows passengers with nut allergies to board flights early to clean the seating area.

USA TODAY has reached out to American Airlines for comment.

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