American Horror Story: Apocalypse finally gives us the missing witches


It's official: Kathy Bates is a robot.

Curiously, it was the least of the things that worried us in the episode tonight. First, we discovered that Michael Langdon (Cody Fern) and Dinah (Adina Porter) know each other, but it is not powerful enough to know what will happen. Then we discovered that Mallory (Billie Heavy) possessed some kind of magical power that could even support Langdon and his scary Voldemort.

Then we discovered that Brock (Billy Eichner) survived the apocalypse, although he does not look so good. He drove on a caleche filled with apples en route to the complex, then returned to Coco (Leslie Grossman), and after trashing it on his (masked) face, he stabbed her directly in the face. TEAR.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Meade (Bates) and Venable (Sarah Paulson) have developed a plan to fill the apples with snake venom, then feed the apples both in the enclosure and kill them all.

So what! It turned out that the plan had been developed by Langdon. He killed Venable, then revealed that he had been controlling robot Kathy Bates forever, and in fact modeled it on someone he knew as a child, somebody who was not a kid, and who was a kid. one who loved him, but who made him forget the most important part of his identity. now it was time to remember. (Is she … Jessica Lange?!)

But then we forgot all this because the witches finally arrived!

Cordelia (Paulson), Madison (Emma Roberts), and myrtle (Frances Conroy) all arrived without a mask, entered directly and immediately went to get their "sisters", including Mallory, Dinah and Coco. They brought them back to life, and Madison knelt in front of Mallory to say a few iconic words.

"Surprise, bitch, I bet you thought you saw the last of me."

And listen, when we tell you that it was like Cordelia Goode was giving us back life, we do not exaggerate. Witches doing their apocalypse The entrance is currently one of the most exciting moments of the year and perhaps the last years. Maybe since Myrtle shouted "BALENCIAGA!" as she died at the stake. Now that the witches are here, we're looking for anything, unless Langdon cuts his bare arms. We do not need more of that.

American horror story: Apocalypse tunes on Wednesdays at 21h on FX.

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