American Horror Story: First Apocalypse


Major Spoilers below for anyone who has not yet watched the premiere of American Horror Story: Apocalypse.

As he went with the found-footage-esque Roanoke season, American horror story: Apocalypse kept the fans guessing everything from the plot to the timeline to the crossover element between House of murder and covenand everything else sliding between the cracks. The first episode, "The End", certainly did not answer all the questions, and maybe even more than the fans could have imagined, but at least we finally know how it all starts: with an apocalypse and a group of people. who are probably not worthy of survival.

While all the mesmerizing moments of crossover were limited, the first still had all the classic brands of a American horror story opener: big stars, big laughs, big shocks and some troubling moments that you would only want to look at in the fingers of a dead man. (I guess that would be a highly debatable form of dislike therapy.) So, without further ado, let's get on with some of the best moments of American horror story: Apocalypsefirst season.

Poison cold pressed: "Are you trying to poison me?" "It tastes like a turtle, you're supposed to be my personal assistant, Mallory, do you know me?" In less time than it takes to show something of approval on social networks, Leslie Grossman's alpha-Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt proves his lack of empathy without limit with this brilliant reaction to a drink with a rancid taste. She can influence people, but not her own taste buds.

A message of demolition of Coco's father: The absurd cruelty of Coco is interrupted by the disappointing message of his father confirming the nuclear attacks that send the planet back into pre-civilization. Why he paid so much money to put Coco on a plane that was not manipulated to explode, I'm not sure. But he showed more compassion on this screen, alongside his wife and son, whom we will probably see from his daughter throughout the season. Unless there is a sect out there that sees positive aspects in "shit tortoise" comparisons.

The last words of this journalist: Like Coco's father, the presenter's announcement was not only intended for further exposure, but also to introduce catastrophic chaos around the world, thanks to the final acts of many nuclear ICBMs. As heartbreaking as it was to hear his last words as a loving father, the way he said, "That's it, ladies and gentlemen. I can not believe we have succeeded. Who is the "we" and what has been done? The fact that the episode plays the same presenter's speech in two different scenes makes it all the more important.

Coco lacks value: "Mallory, you know I'm worthless without you, I'm worse than Elton John, I do not even know how to work with a dishwasher or open a door." When I made fun of this line, it was partly because I could easily imagine that Coco was paralyzed by a lock.

Public reactions to the news: There will always be something so deep in the observation of groups of people guided by panic and self-preservation. Or even a separate nonsense, as was the case with the guy who committed suicide before the bombs could do it. If I were aboard that plane before it took off, I would have spent a lot of those following months troubled by the sight of all those desperate people being shot in the plane. Something very "Titanic Boat scene of life "happens there, just without the snazzy tunes.

The entirety of Joan Collins's Evie Gallant: Shame on anyone who did not anticipate pure television when Joan Collins was announced as the last icon to join American horror storyThe ranks I dare to say that Evie Gallant, who has a lot of income, was the best part of the episode every time she had a line, as they all hit. "You know I pay you ten hours a day." "Let's have champagne burned!" "No, air hostess? Oh, I guess I will not order fresh cut fruits." And even though her grandson is like her in many ways, Evan Peters's character rubs me in all the opposite directions, but that can change. Let's bring Evie back in time and make it one of Worshipleaders, if that's possible.

Breaking: Last season, Leslie Grossman and Billy Eichner played a monstrous couple whose marriage was built on legal and emotional grounds. This season, the court of their characters lasted a whole phone conversation, when it became clear that Coco was not keeping private plane for Brock, who was stuck in blocked traffic. It is unclear if he will return during the season one way or another, since he was probably a player without interference from the Cooperative, but if he actually left apocalypsehe had to leave on the best final lines: "No, no, no, Coco! Do not leave me in Santa Monica!" and "You bitch!"

Opening Titles: As it usually goes with a season of American horror story, the apocalypse The first titles were filled with weird visuals on a very rhythmic version of the theme. Explosive symbolism is fully present, usually in the form of mushroom clouds and the like, although molten candles also represent a much slower form of extinction. Beyond the scary beasts like scorpions and bright-eyed babies, the rest of the iconography was mostly religious in nature. Many devils and snakes and statues of angels and everything in between, all probably related to the all-powerful anti-Father who appears in the last minutes.

Timothy's selection process: Whenever agents suddenly infiltrated the Campbell family's home to announce the genetic superiority of Timothy Kyle Allen, it seemed that their motives would have been based on deadly information confirming that he was the biological savior of the # 39; humanity. Instead, it is amusing to say that they discovered Timothy's genetic prowess because he was listed on an ancestor tracking website. Perhaps another way to keep survivors related to the digital world of their previous lives. But did Timothy's father have anything so willing to let his son go, even though he had no reason to trust these people?

The outside world: While many post-apocalyptic dramas and horrors spend a lot of time in the outside world in search of shelter and livelihoods, American horror story: Apocalypse is currently trapped inside due to contamination of the surface by nuclear radiation. Which gives the exteriors their own very special aesthetic, full of smoke and smog, with a sensation of Terry Gilliam and Ben Wheatley in the way these scenes are shot and framed. Of course, abject violence and invincible diseases and the rest crush the hopes of seeing African swallows carry coconuts, so that is the life of a hermit for everyone.

Go to the next page to see all the other oddly bizarre moments from the first anthology of horror.

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