American household income increases for the third year in a row to $ 61,372, according to census data


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Americans earn a little more in household income.

The median income of US households increased in 2017 to $ 61,372, the third consecutive year of growth, while the poverty rate fell to 12.3%, relatively unchanged from 2016.

Despite the 1.8% increase in median household income last year compared to 2016, when Americans earned $ 60,309, it was not as impressive as the growth of the previous two years. The median income, adjusted for inflation, is the point at which half of the households surveyed have an income lower than this number and the other half higher.

The new data also show the rate of Americans having health insurance – and more people are covered, according to the Census Bureau.

Nearly one million additional people enjoy a form of health insurance, mainly because of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

In 2015, about 9.1% of the population was without health insurance and this figure dropped to 8.8% in 2016 and remained relatively unchanged in 2017, where about 28.5 million people were born Were not covered.

In 2010, before the Affordable Care Act came into effect, 16.3% of the population did not have health insurance. Last year, the majority of insureds had private coverage, unlike that provided by the government.

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