Amy Schumer Arrested at Brett Kavanaugh Rally – Rolling Stone


Actress-actress Amy Schumer was arrested and arrested in Washington, DC, as thousands of people went to the Hart Senate office building to protest the possible appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. by MSNBC.

Holding a sign "We Believe Anita Hill", Schumer has been associated with others to convict Kavanaugh, whose appointment intensified the Senate already biased on sexual assault charges and a subsequent report from FBI that the Senate is reviewing before a key vote on the vote Friday. "I think we're going to be arrested," Schumer said in a video to a protestor's daughter on Twitter.

Thirty minutes later, a police officer asked Schumer, "Do you want to be arrested?"

"Yes," she replied.

Earlier in the day, Schumer met with protesters alongside Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and model activist Emily Ratajkowski. "That's what we're going to do: we'll continue to show ourselves and no matter what happens, they can not hold us back," Schumer told the crowd. "We're going to win." A vote for Kavanaugh is a vote saying, "Women do not matter." Let's stay together, fight, let's keep coming. "

Ratajkowski said on Instagram that she had also been arrested as part of the protest. "Today, I was arrested in protest of Brett Kavanaugh's candidacy to the Supreme Court, a man who was accused of sexual assault by several women," she wrote. . "Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power. Kavanaugh's confirmation as a judge of the United States Supreme Court is a message to the women of this country that they do not matter. I demand a government that recognizes, respects and supports women as well as men. "

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) participated in the protest to support Christine Blasey Ford, who claimed during a hearing before the Senate last week that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her while she was in custody. they were in high school.

"I watched the audience last Thursday and I think Dr. Ford," Warren said (via USA today). "It's a question of power. I watched 11 men, powerful men, who tried to help another powerful man reach an even more powerful position. I am angry on behalf of the women who have been told to shut up and sit down too much.

Earlier Thursday, Republican Senators Jeff Flake and Susan Collins, whose nominal votes are critical to Kavanaugh's appointment, called the FBI's report "very thorough," although the way they vote will be evaded. A last vote on Kavanaugh could take place this weekend.

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