Amy Schumer explains why she revealed her husband's autism diagnosis


The actress / actress appeared in the Wednesday night episode of "Late Night with Seth Meyers" and explained why she had chosen to make public the diagnosis of her husband, Chris Fischer, from a spectrum disorder. high-performance autism.

Amy Schumer reveals that her husband is on the spectrum of autism

Schumer spoke about it in his new special broadcast "Growing" from Netflix, which began airing on Tuesday – and so far so good.

"That's why we both wanted to talk about it because it was totally positive," she told Meyers. "I think a lot of people refuse to get a diagnosis and even some of their children because of the stigma that comes with it."

She married Fischer, who is a chef and cookbook writer, in February 2018 and the couple are expecting their first child.

The dictionary defines autism as "a developmental disorder of variable severity, characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior."

Getting a diagnosis has been incredibly helpful, Schumer said.

"The tools we have been given have made her life so much better and our marriage and our lives more manageable," she said. "I just wanted to encourage people not to be afraid of this stigma."

The star pointed out that at one point people were embarrassed to admit that they had attention deficit disorder and that many people are now talking about having it.

"I think that many autistic people are not diagnosed while I think their lives might be better if they had these tools," Schumer said.

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