An 18-day giraffe suddenly dies at the Ohio Zoo



Ubumwe, the female giraffe born October 30, died Saturday, officials said the Columbus Zoo.

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Zoo officials said in a series of Facebook posts that Ubumwe had been energetic and treated well during his first two weeks, weighing about 30 kilos a week ago. But she began to experience "gastrointestinal discomfort" on Friday afternoon, which led to multiple tests and treatments.

An ultrasound revealed an abnormality of the intestines, but after receiving intensive care from zoo animal welfare professionals, Ubumwe seemed at ease overnight, according to the zoo's statement.

But early Saturday morning, the Masai giraffe calf soon deteriorated and she died quickly. Officials at the zoo said the cause of death was unknown, pending an autopsy and a pathology report that will take several weeks.

Thousands of people followed the birth and first weeks of Ubumwe, via the "Giraffe Cam" online via National Geographic. One of the other giraffes of the zoo, Cami, is waiting for a calf.

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