An adult video business helps a company in upstate New York with remova leaves


An adult website is helping a northern county of New York state withdraw its … leaves.

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Pornhub, an international pornography website, is partnering with a Dutchess County lawn service to allow free leaf removal, the Poughkeepsie Journal reported. The three-day promotion with Dutchess Lawns, based in Poughkeepsie, begins Wednesday and requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, the newspaper reported.

Jay Lotaj, CEO of Dutchess Lawns, said that Pornhub had contacted him for the first time several months ago. Naturally, he hesitated, the newspaper reported.

"Then, when I realized that they were providing a free service to people here, I thought it was a good idea," Lotaj told the newspaper. "Whenever we can (render), we try to do it.

Lotaj said that with additional labor, his company could clean 20 to 40 lawns during a 10-hour work day, the newspaper reported. Dutchess Lawns' teams and vehicles will be equipped with Pornhub's black and orange logos, the newspaper reported.

"I gave (employees) the opportunity to say," Hey, if you do not want to participate, I totally understand, "Lotaj told the Journal." Fortunately, they saw the pleasure that they find there, and they saw, "Oh, ok, we can help people."

Pornhub has made several community service promotions over the years, the newspaper reported. He has offered a university scholarship of $ 25,000 a year in recent years and has announced his intention to clear snow from the roads of Boston and New York during a snowstorm in 2017.

"Although the foliage may be beautiful, it can also be quite bulky when it falls and leaves your lawn and requires you to remove it," said Pornhub Vice President, Corey Price, in a statement. communicated. "Of course, you can grab a rake or a snow thrower and pay some equity in the arduous task of removing debris by yourself, but it is much easier to entrust the work to a professional who does it. half the time "

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