An alleged conspiracy to falsely accuse a special advocate of sexual misconduct referred to the FBI


An alleged plot to charge sexual misconduct against special advocate Robert Mueller has been passed on to federal investigators, a spokesman for the special advocate said Tuesday.

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"When we learned last week that charges had been given to women about the special advocate, we immediately referred the case to the FBI for investigation," said Peter Carr, spokesperson for the special advocate.

According to several reports, a woman received $ 20,000 to make false accusations of sexual misconduct and harassment at work against Robert Mueller. She reportedly contacted several journalists in recent weeks, claiming that she had worked with Mueller in a law firm in the 1970s.

PHOTO: Former FBI director, Robert Mueller, at an installation ceremony at the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC on October 28, 2013.Charles Dharapak / AP, FILE
Former FBI director, Robert Mueller, at an installation ceremony at the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, October 28, 2013.

The woman claims that the calls she received came from a man who would have represented the known far-right plot peddler, Jack Burkman, according to an article in The Atlantic.

"Any allegation that I paid anyone for him to talk about it is completely false," Burkman told ABC News in a statement sent via e-mail.

Burkman recently claimed on social media, without any evidence, that harmful information would soon be provided to Mueller.

The FBI declined to comment and referred the reporters to the statement of the Bureau of the Special Council.

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