An American Airlines passenger who claims to have been raped in a bathroom pursues the carrier | American News


An American Airlines passenger who claims to have been raped in the bathroom on a domestic flight is suing the carrier, claiming that he had allowed a man obviously intoxicated to board the plane and that he had continued to serve him with alcohol.

Aubrey Lane, 32, claims that her siege companion, whose identity has not been unveiled, has continually harassed her during a night flight between Phoenix and New York City. June 2017, to follow her in the toilet and assault her.

In a new federal lawsuit, Lane and another passenger alleged that the airline's staff had failed in its duty to protect her, along with the other people who had served her alleged attacker, up to six drinks alcoholic drinks, disregarding the warnings about his behavior.

"Knowing the obvious dangers of intoxication and the threats of sexual assault, especially on Red Eyes flights, American Airlines has offered no protection to Aubrey Lane, nor any of the enhanced obligations of the common carrier said the complaint filed in federal court in New York on Wednesday.

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The airline promised to "thoroughly review" Lane's request, after previously considering it as a "nuisance" and offered him $ 5,000.

In the court papers, another female passenger, designated by her 12C seat number, in the same row as Lane in 12A and the alleged attacker in 12B, said: "I started at the airport. to hear how pretty she was, how lucky her husband was to have such a "bangin 'wife" and how "what goes on vacation stays on vacation".

"He started to get closer to her, to grab his face and kiss her, which she did to push him away and tell him that" it could not happen. "He then started telling him that he was in love with her, which she replied: "It's impossible, you can not fall in love with someone in one night!" What followed a match that shouted, "Yes fucking whore!" "No fucking way!", Etc. It caught a lot of attention, but when I alerted the robbery in passing, he shrugged and said, "Well, they drink …" and he went away.

According to the lawsuit, Lane had a drink.

Addressing the Dallas Morning News in March, Lane said that several hours after the flight began, she had stood up to go to the bathroom and had been followed and raped. In the lawsuit, she claimed to have been sexually assaulted.

Lane told the newspaper that after immediately reporting the alleged incident to the airline's staff, she had simply been transferred to another seat. When the plane landed at JFK's New York International Airport, she said, her alleged attacker was allowed to leave, even though the police had greeted her and taken her to a nearby hospital.

"I felt overwhelmed … all of a sudden, I found myself thrown into a middle seat, screaming. In addition to being sad, hurt and scared, I was also embarrassed, "Lane said.

The headquarters of American Airlines is outside of Dallas. In a statement, he said, "We want all of our customers to live with us a positive and safe travel experience, and we are deeply troubled by any allegations of misconduct aboard our aircraft or the aircraft. one of our facilities.

"If our crews discover or are aware of any alleged unlawful misconduct that may occur on the aircraft, law enforcement forces are contacted and will meet the aircraft upon arrival."

According to FBI figures cited in the lawsuit filed in the United States, 38 sexual assaults in flight were reported in the United States in 2014. In 2017, there were 63 such cases. Previous reports have highlighted a lack of relevant training for airline employees.

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