An anonymous editorial of The New York Times provokes a jolt online and at the White House


CNN cut the cover of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearings to analyze the opinion piece. Rachel Maddow called MSNBC a few hours before her prime time to say, "It seems like the end of something, and I do not know what will happen next."

The Fox News website said "Trump wants a name". Media experts asked if the Times was right to grant anonymity. "This is a waterfall of P.R." writes Erik Wemple of The Washington Post.

And online journalists and commentators have begun to dissect the language of the article to find clues about the author's identity. Dan Bloom, a producer with the Panoply podcast company, noted on Twitter that the word "lodestar", which appears towards the end, was posted in Vice President Mike Pence's speeches. Hundreds of Twitter users have retweeted his theory.

Other journalists recalled efforts in the 1990s to expose the author of "Primary Colors", a novel about the Bill Clinton 1992 presidential campaign. The author was finally revealed as the journalist Joe Klein, after the Washington Post commissioned a handwritten analysis of notes on the sidelines of a manuscript.

All Mr. Trump's critics did not allow the publication of the play.

David Jolly, a former Republican representative from Florida, said on MSNBC that if the author "wants to do something in the service of the nation, you must do it and sign your name". David Frum, conservative writer whose last book is "Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the Republic the motivations of the writer:" See, we only have an accomplice! In fact, we are the true heroes of the story.

The Times said it had published only a handful of anonymous written opinions, including several by authors whose safety could be endangered if they were publicly identified.

An anonymous article, published in June, was written by an undocumented immigrant facing eviction and gang threats. An article of opinion in 2009 was written by an Iranian student who, for security reasons, asked to be identified only by his first name.

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