An Arkansas MP accused of filing no tax for 15 years of arrest


An Arkansas MP was arrested Thursday after authorities say he has not filed his taxes since 2003 and that he owes nearly $ 260,000 in penalties , interest and tax arrears.

Rep. Mickey Gates, a Republican, went to the authorities after he was charged with six counts of defaulting or filing a report between 2012 and 2017, police said. # 39; Arkansas. Although he has not filed a complaint since 2003, Gates can not be charged with violations outside the six-year limitation period.

Gates' office did not immediately respond to Fox News's request for comment.

an interview earlier this month, he believed that he had settled with the state for the years 2003 to 2007 for $ 30,000 and made monthly payments of $ 1,500 on the settlement, according to the affidavit of arrest. Gates also said that he had the impression that the Ministry of Finance and Administration has completed statements on his behalf from 2007 to 2015 and has not filed any statements since 2015

A legislator's lawyer told The Associated Press that Gates cooperated with He did not say, however, whether Gates would resign on the charges.

Hot Springs legislator, Ark, seeks re-election in November over Democratic challenger, Kevin Rogers. ] Gates surrendered Thursday and was released from Garland County Jail with a $ 1,500 bail

Associated Press contributed to this report.

Paulina Dedaj is a writer / journalist for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter @PaulinaDedaj.

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