An armed robber locks McDonald's employees in a freezer, police say


FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. Police are looking for a man who stole a McDonald's from Forsyth County and locked up employees in a freezer under the threat of a gun early Saturday morning, police said.

Canal 2 Michael Seiden was in Cumming, where he spoke to a witness. A waitress from Waffle House, located nearby, said that she was working in the cemetery when a group of six women rushed into the restaurant, shivering and hysterically.

Andrea Bramblett is a single mother who has two jobs to support her 10-year-old daughter.

She was working for the second time at Waffle House when the terrified women rushed.

"Around 5 o'clock this morning, we all looked up and saw about six women crying and screaming, heading to the door saying that they had just been stolen," Bramblett said.


The women were working at McDonald's at night on Keith Bridge Road when investigators reported that an armed suspect had burst into the fast food restaurant and had started asking for money.

The man put the women in a freezer, but they managed to escape. The director was arrested and the man had him open the safe, police said.

The victims crossed the street towards the waffle house where two Forsyth deputies, outside their hours of service, had just sat down to eat. MPs rushed to McDonald's, but the thief had already escaped.

Bramblett said she feared that the man was targeting the waffles house. She said now, her daughter is afraid for her to go to work.

"The first thing she said was" Do you have to work tonight at Waffle House? Because if you have to, I will not let you, Mom! " Said Bramblett. "In fact, I had tears in my eyes, knowing that she would have that fear."

The police are still looking for the suspect and a possible escape driver.

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