An author of Soon-Yi's profile accused of bias, a long story with Woody Allen


19:55 PDT 16/09/2018


Kimberly Nordyke

Daphne Merkin has been a friend with the filmmaker for more than 40 years.

The author of a profile on Soon-Yi Previn, wife of filmmaker Woody Allen, is accused of bias because of his decades-long friendship with the filmmaker.

Daphne Merkin wrote the story, published online Sunday New York Magazine & # 39; s Vulture website, in which Previn breaks her silence about the controversy surrounding her husband and adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow and her ex-partner Mia Farrow. She also alleges years of abuse by her adoptive mother, Mia.

While Merkin notes in the text that she's been friends with Allen for over 40 years, many on Twitter – including several journalists and at least one of her New York colleagues – was quick to condemn and publication to allow a sympathetic character to write the profile.

For example, an online search provides several articles detailing his close relationship with the filmmaker over the years, noting on his website that his first fan letter was Allen's New York Times that he once offered her his therapist and saying to the New York Post that they "share our books on the Holocaust". She also throws on Allen in his book The famous lunches, noting that she wrote him a letter in his early twenties and that "I was fixed [Allen] like my alter ego "and that" he was the perfect non-celebrity for a non-groupie like me ".

Dylan's brother, Ronan, one of his strongest supporters, made the following statement in response to this story: "I owe everything I'm to Mia Farrow." She's a devoted mom. who has lived hell for his family, but this has never prevented Woody Allen and his allies from planting stories that attack and denigrate my mother from hijacking my sister's credible allegation of abuse. New York Magazine would participate in this kind of work, written by a longtime admirer and friend of Woody Allen. As a journalist, I am shocked by the lack of care of the facts, the refusal to include eyewitness accounts that would contradict the lies of this play and the lack of a complete response from my sister. Survivors of abuse deserve better. "

Dylan also tweeted a lengthy statement in response to the story, saying in part that "The idea of ​​letting a friend of an alleged predator write a unilateral piece attacking the credibility of his victim is disgusting."

New York Magazine Spokesperson Lauren Starke defended the story before it was released saying, "Soon-Yi Previn is telling her story for the first time, and we hope people will hold judgment until they read the story. Daphne Merkin's relationship with Woody Allen is disclosed and is a part of the story, as is the reason for Soon-Yi to speak now. I would add that Daphne approached Soon-Yi to do this. piece, not the reverse.We contacted Mia and Dylan Farrow for the commentary, Dylan chose to speak through his representative.The story is transparent about being heard from the point of view of Soon- Yi. "

Later on Sunday, Starke added, "This is a story of Soon-Yi Previn, and puts forward her point of view about what has happened in her family.We think she has the right to "To be heard." Daphne Merkin's relationship with Woody Allen is revealed and is part of the story, as it's the reason for Soon-Yi to express itself now. people will read it themselves. "

Merkin does not go beyond writing in his story: "I've been friends with Allen myself for over four decades and he's always been somewhat mystified by him, partly because from almost Aspergian loneliness and true mistrust – the absence of a discernible ego – which lies just under the value of an ambitious productivity and its cinematic film. "

Many on social networks have quickly criticized.

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