An employee of Tesla San Jose has embezzled $ 9 million: an indictment


A former Tesla global supply officer was indicted Thursday by federal prosecutors alleging that he had embezzled more than $ 9 million from the Palo Alto electric car maker.

Salil Parulekar, 32, is charged with wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.

According to the indictment, Parulekar has overseen Tesla's transactions with certain auto parts and service suppliers and used this position to transfer to a German auto parts company the payments of 39, a total amount of $ 9.3 million for a Taiwanese supplier. The indictment does not make it clear whether the federal authorities believe that the German company had been aware of the alleged ploy. The US prosecutor's office in northern California said it could not provide information other than that contained in the indictment.

Parulekar, who lived in San Jose and worked for Tesla in 2016 and 2017, faked bills, created fake supplier documents, and imitated a Taiwanese supplier employee to cheat Tesla's accounts payable service by exchanging vendor bank account information. . Taiwanese and German companies, according to the indictment.

This Taiwanese complaint to Tesla regarding missing money was forwarded to Parulekar, who reacted by sending false documents claiming to show that the payments had been made, according to the indictment.

The German company admitted in March to have received $ 9.3 million in payments, the indictment said. This company did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

According to the indictment, Parulekar had been working for Tesla since 2013. Tesla declined to comment on the indictment.

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