An excess of iron in the brain may be a factor in Alzheimer's disease


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A type of iron called magnetite can lead researchers on the path to more effective treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Magnetite is Not Usually Found in the Human Brain, Researchers say that magnetite is found in the clumps of abnormal proteins known as amyloid plaques that are symptomatic of this disease.

Understanding why they are there could lead to more

According to the Alzheimer's Association, nearly 6 million people in the United States live with the disease

Alzheimer's disease is the sixth cause of death in the country.

The association also reports that Alzheimer's disease increased by 123% between 2000 and 2015, while deaths due to heart disease (the leading cause of death) decreased by 11%.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that age is the main risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease, although genetics also plays a major role.

Eric B. Larson, MPH, executive director of the Kaiser Permanente Health Research Institute Washington, states that "some forms of Alzheimer's, particularly early, are associated with certain abnormal genes."

Detailed Evidence

Researchers have already shown that minerals will form when iron and amyloid protein interact with each other.

However, using synchrotron X-ray facilities with advanced measurement capabilities in the United States and the United Kingdom, the team was able to demonstrate that these processes occurred in the brains of individuals died with Alzheimer's disease.

Unique observations on the forms of calcium minerals present in amyloid plaques were also recorded

. James Hendrix, Director of Global Science Initiatives at the Alzheimer's Association, told Healthline that "iron is an essential element in the brain, so it's essential to gather more data on how its management might affect the Alzheimer's disease. "

Nor too little

For decades, iron was the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States, so many foods are now fortified with iron.

Baby food, breakfast cereals, breads, even rice and pasta, have been fortified with iron.

Exclusively breastfed babies, pregnant women and strict vegetarians, as well as people taking medications that cause internal bleeding or interfere with the absorption of iron.

However, too much dietary iron has been associated with diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

A recent study from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) also linked elevated levels of iron to Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers said the link could be that excess iron can cause oxidative stress, a type of damage that the brain is particularly sensitive to. Hendrix says it's important to understand that the recent study did not find that eating foods containing iron would cause Alzheimer's disease.

Larson clarifies that this study did not focus on diet

"This study addresses a new technique for exploring the possible role that iron might play in plaques characteristic of Alzheimer's disease . "

As to the role this may have in Alzheimer's disease, he says, "It's worth noting that we found many people who die without any evidence of dementia, even late, who also these plaques. "

Recent studies have shown that iron deficiency can have a negative impact on memory. in the maintenance of the brain and the nervous system. Hendrix says

"It's an old research and we do not yet know how iron gets into amyloid plaques, but consuming too little dietary iron can have a serious impact on health," Hendrix said. 19659010] Can One Prevent Alzheimer's Disease?

Larson is convinced that there is no absolute way to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Hendrix Stresses that it is mainly the genetics that determines who will develop this disease.

However, there are strategies that could help.

"We know that the Mediterranean diet may have some benefit. Regular exercise also helps. Hendrix said he recommends reading 10 ways to love your brain on the Alzheimer's Association website to learn more about methods to maintain cognitive health and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Alzheimer's [19659037] [ad_2]
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